Категория: ЭкологияЭкология

Охрана заповедников и парков


Protection of nature
reserves and national parks


Today in the Russian Federation there are 101
nature reserves and 35 national parks, they
occupy about 3% of the country's area and
preserve 80% of the species richness of flora and
fauna. The largest connoisseurs of nature were
looking for places for our reserves, because the
role of reserves in the preservation and
restoration of the rarest animals, plants, and
unique landscapes is exceptional.


Wildlife conservation
The main task of the reserves today is to protect
the standards of wildlife. It must be
remembered that conservation of all species of
animals and plants living on earth is of great
scientific and practical importance. Reserves
have become reservoirs for rare animals and
plants. Only thanks to this it was possible to
save flamingos, egrets, bison, sika deer, fur seals
and much more


Special measures for the protection of
wildlife and its habitat are applied in
specially protected natural areas (state
nature reserves, national parks, etc.), as
well as in relation to rare and endangered
wildlife objects listed in the Red Data Books
of the Russian Federation and subjects of
the Federation ("Rules for the extraction of
wildlife objects belonging to the species
listed in the Red Book of the Russian
Federation", approved by the Government
of the Russian Federation dated January 6,
1997 No. 13)


An urgent problem is the protection in various natural and
climatic conditions of unique and standard forest areas,
national-historical identity of natural landscapes. One of the
important forms of forest protection is the organization of
nature reserves, sanctuaries, natural and historical-national
parks, the creation of forest genetic reserves



National parks
The protection of national parks in Russia is part
of a system of measures aimed at preserving and
restoring natural resources and the natural
environment, and at giving a more harmonious,
balanced character to relations between man and


On the territory of the reserve there are forests,
represented by oak groves and oak groves, as well as
more than 1 thousand species of plants. The following
types of trees grow in the forests: pines, which occupy
more than a third of all plants; oaks, almost a third of
the forests; aspen - almost 20%; birch; alder


There are many berries here blueberries, lingonberries. Quite rare
species are included in the Red Book.
For example, cobweb, hazel grouse,
chestnut mushroom, spargassis,
feather grass, lumbago, slingshot
The world of mammals living in forests and forest-steppe zone is quite diverse. In
particular, there are: Red deer and roe deer, foxes and wolves, wild boars and
beavers, raccoon dogs and ground squirrels, hamsters and mice, muskrat and rats,
hares, desman and ferrets, nettlefish and marten, jerboas and badgers, myotis and
noctresses, minks American and ermine, weasel
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