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History of Tyumen


History of Tyumen


Tyumen is the first Russian city in Siberia and also the
administrative center of Tyumen Oblast. In terms of population
Tyumen is on the 19th place in Russia (679,861 people).
The city was founded in 1586.
Canberra is the capital
of the Commonwealth
of Australia. The city is
built on the border of
two the most famous
Australian states Victoria and New South
Canberra covers an area
of 814.2 km². The city is
located 150 km off the
east coast of Australia.
The city is surrounded
by forest from all the


The first traces of human presence on the territory of modern Tyumen were
found on the banks of Lake Andreevskoye (in the Neolithic age) and on the
left bank of the Tura River (the Iron age).
Map of Tyumen end of the XVII century


In XIII-XVI centuries Chingi-Tura, the capital of the Tyumen Khanate, was
situated on the bank of Tyumenka river. The name "Tyumen" was mentioned
for the first time in 1406 in Arkhangelogorodskaya Chronicle.
Construction Russian Tyumen burg near Chingi-Tura was started by the order
of Tsar Fyodor I Ivanovich in July 29, 1586.


Tyumen was built on the ancient caravan route from Central sia to the Volga
region, for which there was an age-old struggle between the nomadic tribes
of southern Siberia. The first place among the inhabitants of Tyumen
belonged to the boyars, streltsy, and Cossacks. The Troitsky Monastery was
founded in 1618.


In the early years, the city was being attacked by Tatars and
Kalmyks. After the threat of war had disappeared, crafts became the
primary occupation of the citizens. Blacksmithing, bell, soap, leather
productions reached extensive development.


In 1695 there was a fire in the city, which resulted in a wooden city burned.
After this building from stone was started.
Since 1709 Tyumen was a part of the Siberian province, and in 1782
became the county town of Tobolsk governorship.


In the XIX century Tyumen becomes a
thriving city. A special impulse to its
development was given through the
attachment of the city to the TransSiberian Railway. Tyumen became an
important center of trade.
By the end of the
century in the city
there were more
than ten schools,
school, female
school and
parochial schools.


During the Civil War there were
battles for the city: July 20, 1918
Tyumen was occupied by the
Whites, August 8, 1919 the
troops of the 51st Blyukher
Division entered the city.


During the first years of the war Lenin's body was evacuated to Tyumen;
Mausoleum was temporarily located in the building of the Tyumen State
Agricultural Academy.


In February 1944 Tyumen police was collecting cats around the city for two
weeks to send them to the Hermitage, which was occupied by the rodents
during the siege.
238 cats were sent to Leningrad to save the artworks.


After major oil and gas fields
were discovered in the Tyumen
region in the 1960s, the entire life
of the city was concentrated to
fulfillment of the oil related
services and transport functions.
Tyumen oil and gas
contributed to the rapid
growth of scientific
organizations in the


Dozens of research and design institutes
are located in the regional center.
Thousands of students are trained in 120
specialties in 15 universities.


By the end of 2014 Tyumen took the 10th place in the
ranking of the best cities to live in Russia.


Welcome to the Tyumen!
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