Категория: Военное делоВоенное дело

Титов Александр Андреевич


Орловский юридический институт МВД России имени В. В. Лукьянова
Факультет подготовки следователей
2 курс
Руководитель проекта – Шашкова Валентина Николаевна, кандидат
филологических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры иностранных и
русского языков


The Presentation Plan:
1. The concept of an investigator: the scope of
2. The image of an investigator in public
3. The difficulties I will have to overcome
Sources of Reference


On graduating from the institute I will
work as an investigator. This
profession is momentous with regard
to enforcing laws and maintaining
public order. Besides, it sets an
exacting standard for a person’s
integrity and manner of behaviour in
any everyday situation, let alone
situations of professional interaction.


The Concept of an Investigator: the
Scope of Responsibilities
An investigator heads an operative
group. It necessitates his major
functions: arriving at a crime scene
and organizing crime scene search,
analyzing physical evidence and
witnesses’ statements, instituting a
criminal action, interrogating
suspects, referring a case to the
court, testifying at proceeding to
present the facts pertinent to the
As it is seen from the overview of the major function, the scope of
an investigator’s responsibilities is wide, but it does not frighten
me. Provided I am well-grounded theoretically and have enough
practical experience I will be able to comply with the law and all
the procedural requirements.


The Image of an Investigator in
Public Perception
An investigator is expected to be a
person of high morals, mindful of
the assigned responsibilities,
adhering to principles, resolute
and persevering, level-headed,
attentive, with great observation
skills, good reaction and retentive
memory. None the less important
is that an investigator must be
physically fit.


From my point of view, the three
most important qualities of a good
investigator which meet public
perception are communication
skills, flexibility in dealing with
different categories of citizens,
and skills of theatrics, that is the
ability to live a certain part in
order to get people talking.


The Difficulties I Will Have to
The primary difficulties on my
professional way are
occupational hazards in the
first line. I will have to learn to
adapt to an ongoing situation
in no time in order to thwart a
criminal’s resistance.


Another difficulty is connected
with extensive paperwork
including preparation of detailed
records and reports on the status
and disposition of cases. For me
it is the most tiresome part of my
future profession.


My profession is the most challenging
and demanding. I see my professional
activity as a path of constant selfdevelopment and personal growth.
This is exactly what keeps me going.
My key objective is to continue
mastering professional competencies
and to look for new ways to handle
investigations efficiently.


Sources of Reference
1. Иностранный язык: методические материалы для групповых занятий и обеспечения
самостоятельной работы обучающихся по специальности 40.05.01 Правовое обеспечение
национальной безопасности специализация Уголовно-правовая (Предварительное
следствие в органах внутренних дел), форма обучения – очная, 3 семестр / сост.: В.Н.
Шашкова. – Орел: ОрЮИ МВД России имени В.В. Лукьянова, 2023. – 69 с.
2. Иностранный язык: методические материалы для групповых занятий и обеспечения
самостоятельной работы обучающихся по специальности 40.05.01 Правовое обеспечение
национальной безопасности специализация Уголовно-правовая (Предварительное
следствие в органах внутренних дел), форма обучения – очная, 4 семестр) / сост.: В.Н.
Шашкова. – Орел: ОрЮИ МВД России имени В.В. Лукьянова, 2023. – 257 с.
3. Newburn T., Williamson T., Wright A. A Handbook of Criminal Investigation. Portland, Oregon:
Willian Publishing, 2007. 674 p.
4. https://www.multitran.com/
5. https://context.reverso.net/
6. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru/
7. https://www.macmillandictionary.com
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