Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Why we should learn English?


Why we should
learn English


Currently, English is studied by many, knowing
that the knowledge of this language is
necessary. It is obvious that what we need
English know almost everything. English is
currently the language of international
communication. In addition, he is widely
recognized as the international language of
business, technology, financial, and economic


For example, computers in cars, GPS-navigators,
the inscriptions on the electrical devices and the
operating instructions of these devices, radio,
computer programs and computer games everywhere it is used in English.


In addition, English Internet ten
times Russian therefore, it is
possible to obtain ten times
more information.
But the more information you
have, the more intelligent and
resourceful you can consider


And if you aspire to a successful career, that
without good knowledge of the English
language you do not get to do. Today, it is the
knowledge of English language is one of the
most important requirements for
employment, as well as a guarantee of your
professional success


The first English language skills
needed to work in international
companies, which in the Russian
market there is quite a large
number. However, Russian
companies knowledge of English can
be a determining factor in
employment, since many of them
are today working closely with
foreign suppliers and customers. No
less can benefit reading the British
press, for example, the Daily
Telegraph and the Times. If you love
to travel, the knowledge of English
will allow you to communicate in
almost any country, and easily read
информационные вывески.
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