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Project work


Department of education of Kazakhstan Republic
Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages
Project work
It's impossible to have a both successful career and happy
family life.
Done by Shaukatov R.
International law, 316 group.
Checked by Zhamalieva A.A.


The Pasport of project
The issue of my project is that we can't have happy family life at the
same time with having perfect career.
The aim of project is to show how we can combine the career with
happy family life.


Many people want to have a successful career and a happy family
life both. What problems are involved in combining a career and
family life? How to overcome such problems?
For young people both having a career and rising children are priorities in their lives.
It can be challenging to find a balance between a family‘s and work‘s requirements.
There are several problems to overcome for families with working parents although a
number of measures could be taken to improve their situation.


Some of the grave problems working parents are facing are
arranging child care, finding enough time for their family and
dealing with how leave or reduced hours influence their career.


To overcome these obstacles working parents need the support of their extended
families, businesses and governments. Relatives, like grand parents, can help parents
with childcare, for example when a child becomes sick and the parents are unable to
stay home. Business can give offer their employees more flexible and family


It is possible to have both a successful career and a happy family
life. It is possible to have the best of both worlds, to have a
successful career and a happy family life. It is important to have a
job that you enjoy in order to have a happy life. People should not
settle for a job they don't enjoy, because in the end it will cause
them stress and unhappiness.


In conclusion, working parents face several challenges but a lot can be
done for their support. Low birth rates in many industrialized nations
highlighten the urgency for buissneses and governments to take action
and help working parents and their families cope.


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