Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Extra questions


extra questions


1) I usually download pop music. What music do you
usually download?


Have you watched Toy Story? What do you like
about it?
I like it because it’s exciting. I like the plot.


Have you watched It? What do you like about it?
Yes, I have/ No, I havent. I like actors...


Would you like to be a film star? Why?
I would like to be a film star because I want to be rich
and famous
I wouldn’t like to be a film star because I want to be a
dentist. I don’t want to be famous. I want to be happy:)


Do you want to be an extra? Why?
I want to be an extra, because I want to work in
film industry. It’s exciting.
I don’t want to be an extra because I want to be a
film star


Who did you wait for?
I waited for my sister, classmate...
What funny actor do you know?
I always laugh at Dmitriy Nagiev.
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