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My Favorite Movies and TV Series



"Very Strange Things" is an American
science fiction drama series with horror
elements created by the Duffer brothers
for the streaming service Netflix. The
Duffers serve as showrunners, as well as
executive producers of the series along
with Sean Levy and Dan Cohen
The plot of the first season takes
place in 1983 in Indiana, where a
little boy mysteriously disappears,
and his mother, friends and the
local police chief begin searching
for the missing. His name was Will.


In the second, third and fourth seasons they talk about
how Odie and her friends fight with various monsters
and try to defeat them. In four seasons there are
different monsters and in the fourth season there was a
monster called Vecna. He collects 3 victims but if the
fourth victim also dies then their city called Hawkins will
end. The fourth victim was Max, Odie’s friend, and the
city collapses. But Odie revives her, but Max remains in
a coma. At the end of the fourth season, when they
finally got together with their parents, And they show a
picture of how they look at something terrible. It was the
end of the fourth season. The fifth season is now being


After the death of her husband, Georgia Miller, along
with her teenage daughter Ginny and 9-year-old son
Austin, move to the small town of Wellsbury, located in
New England, USA. At school, Ginny befriends a girl
named Maxine, who introduces her to her twin brother
Marcus and friend Hunter. Meanwhile, her mother
Georgia meets her neighbor, Marcus and Max's
mother, and gets a job. But the picture of the bright
future of the Miller family can be overshadowed by
the past, which does not allow itself to be forgotten.
30-year-old infantile Georgia and her daughter, who
often feels more mature than her mother, will have to
learn more about each other and try to get closer.


This is Ginny and Austin's mom. Her
real name is Mary, she hid it from her
children and new husband because of
her dark past, until her daughter found
information about her.
This is the daughter of Georgia.
Due to constant moving, she was
unable to find friends. But this city
will give her many opportunities.


This is Jenny's boyfriend, she
found him after moving to a new
city. They are neighbors, so they
often climb into each other's
windows and spend the night
And this is Paul Randolph,
Georgia’s husband and
the mayor of the city.
Throughout season 1, he
tried to unravel Georgia’s


In fact, my favorite series, it has a lot of action and
funny moments. Basically this story is about the
relationship between a mother and daughter and their
relationship with their boyfriend and husband. In
addition, at the end of the second season, Georgia is
arrested for murder. The series itself is very
interesting I recommend watching it!


1 part
2 part
3 part


In 1994, after a terrible tragedy in the
town of Shadyside, a group of teenagers
learn that a series of shocking incidents
that have occurred in the town over the
years may not be a coincidence.
Moreover, the next victims may be the
heroes themselves.


Dina and Josh ask for help from Si
Burman, the only survivor of an
encounter with an ax murderer who
attacked the Nightwing children's camp
in 1978. The guys want to know how she
managed to escape the curse, and
hope to free Sam from it. The woman
tells them the story of that ill-fated
summer when her sister died.


the third and final part of the Fear Street
trilogy. The main character finds herself in
1666, during the witch hunt, while her
comrades are forced to fight for survival
in 1994.


The series takes place in the fictional town
of Shadyside, somewhere on the East
Coast. The main characters of the novels
are teenagers, usually high school students,
who are faced with tragic, sometimes
mystical events. Although ghosts and spirits
appear in some novels, the plot revolves
around one or a series of murders. Although
some characters also die in the children's
Goosebumps series, the murders in the
novels in this series are described more


However, when rumors appeared that the family was
cursed, the name of the series comes from one of the city
streets, named after the ancient family of Fears. Originally,
their surname was pronounced as “Fire”, and the letters in
their surname can be added to the word “fire” Simon Fear
changed surname at the end of the 19th century.
According to legend, the founders of the family, Simon and
his wife Angelica, brought the curse with them when they
moved to Shadyside after the Civil War. The curse dates
back to Puritan times, when brothers Benjamin and
Matthew Fire burned Susanna Goode and her mother
Martha at the stake for allegedly practicing witchcraft. The
head of the family, William Goode, cursed the Firers,
dooming their family to constant troubles and a series of
deaths. A fire occurred in the family home, which
prevented the merger of the Fire and Good families - it is
believed that all representatives of the Fire died in that fire,
ending the curse. However, the events of many of the
novels hint that one of the brothers survived. The family's
story is detailed in a spin-off series called The Fear Street


An ordinary high school finds itself
at the center of a zombie virus
outbreak. Trapped students must
fight for survival. Otherwise, they
will face the fate of becoming an
infected monster.


The plot of "We're All Dead" is dedicated to the
zombie apossics that unfolded in South Korea. In an
ordinary high school, every hour more and more
people are becoming infected with a strange virus
that is turning to people among the walking dead.
Soon, almost all the knowledge on the school
grounds, students and teachers turn into zombies.
Survivors unite in small groups looking for a way to
salvation. The trouble is that the contagion also
extends to school restrictions. A state of emergency is
introduced in the city, and military action is initiated
to solve problems. If a quick and effective way to
eliminate the infected is not found, the virus will
spread throughout the country, as well as throughout
the world.


In total, the first season of the drama has 12 episodes,
each of which lasts not the usual 40-45 minutes, but
an hour or an hour and a half. All this time there will be
a sea of blood and crowds of vile dead on the screen.
It may seem that "We're All Dead" is only about the
confrontation between zombies and humans.
However, the showrunners manage to reveal several
storylines at once, touching on various problems that
are acute not only in Korean society. In many
countries, children are often bullied in schools and
suffer from excessive demands from teachers,
parents, and their own. Often in public institutions
there is chaos from the authorities, who do not solve,
but hush up unpleasant incidents. Therefore, school
outcasts and invisible people not only fight off
infected classmates, but also fight back against their
offenders. At the same time, in addition to the action,
there are many moments of farewells and confessions
touching to tears.


Park Chihu
I really liked the staging of
all the scenes, I even
wanted to get into one of
these. The ending was
sad, but they still promise
a second season, I highly
recommend watching it,
it’s very exciting.
Yoon Chang-yeon
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