Категория: ИнтернетИнтернет

Mark Zuckerberg


Mark Zuckerberg
By Kruglov, Saikov, Shifman
Group KI22-01
Department of Information Security
Institute of Space and Information Technologies
Krasnoyarsk 2024


1. Introduction
2. Brief biography
3. Education
4. The foundation of Facebook
5. Why we chose this person
6. Sourses


Mark Elliott Zuckerberg is an American media magnate,
internet entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is known for
co-founding Meta (formerly Facebook, Inc.) and is its
chairman, CEO and controlling shareholder. He is also a cofounder of Breakthrough Starshot, a solar sail spacecraft
project, and a member of its board of directors.


Brief biography
Mark Zuckerberg was born in 1984 in the American city of White
Plains in the state of New York in the family of medical professionals.
His mother Karen was a psychiatrist, and his father Edward was a
dentist. In total, there were four children in the family: Mark was the
second oldest and the only boy.
Already as a child Mark fell in love with maths and programming. In
1994 his father gave him his first computer. Edward also taught the
boy how to write BASIC programmes.
Two years later, Mark wrote the ZuckNet programme for his father. It
was a primitive messenger that could be used to send a message
from one computer to another. The programme was used
extensively in the house to notify his father of a new visitor to the
dental clinic.


Mark Zuckerberg studied at Phillips Exeter
Academy. It was here that Mark first became
interested in foreign languages. He was
attracted to ancient culture - in his youth he
often surprised his friends by quoting
passages from Virgil and Homer by heart.
But Zuckerberg's main passion was, of
course, programming. In high school, he
wrote the Synapse media player, which
could suggest tracks to users based on their


The foundation of Facebook
thefacebook.com was launched on 4 February 2004. In just one day it gained
about 1200 registrations, and a month later the site was used by about half of
Harvard students.
The social network that gained momentum was unstoppable: six months after its
foundation, thefacebook got its first investors - PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel and
LinkedIn creator Reid Hoffman, who together invested more than $500,000 in the
project. The company spent part of the money on the domain name facebook.com,
which allowed it to get rid of the article "the" in the name.


Having realised what prospects opened up before him,
Zuckerberg dropped out of university, invested the money
intended for his studies in the project and became the CEO of the
In 2006, Facebook* was finally opened to everyone, after which
the audience of the social network began to grow rapidly. In
2008, the number of registrations on "Facebook "* was 100
million, and four years later - already a billion.


Why we chose this person
Mark Zuckerberg is a visionary and innovator in the field of information technology,
having created the social network Facebook, which has significantly changed the
way people communicate and share information. His work has enabled millions of
people from around the world to unite and interact in the digital space. Zuckerberg
has greatly expanded the possibilities of information exchange and communication,
bringing people closer to each other, even at a distance. His contributions to
computers and technology have helped amplify the digital revolution, making
access to knowledge and the resources of the internet available to everyone.
Zuckerberg's selection as a major contributor to computing is justified, as his work
and achievements have played a key role in shaping today's digital world and
making everyday life easier for millions of people.


Zuckerberg, Mark [Zuckerberg, Mark]. - Text : electronic // Wikipedia : the free encyclopaedia. URL: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Цукерберг,_Марк.
How Mark Zuckerberg became the youngest billionaire in history and what he is doing now. Text : electronic // RBC Trends : website. - 2023. - 18 January. - URL:
Mark Zuckerberg's odyssey: from the creation of Facebook to his departure to the metauniverse. - Text : electronic // Skillbox Media : website. - URL:
Zuckerberg Mark. - Text : electronic // Forbes : website. - URL:
Mark Zuckerberg: biography and success story. - Text : electronic // Lindeal : website. - URL:
Image. - Image : electronic // Ya.ru. - URL: https://ya.ru/images


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