Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor and Metal-Insulator-Metal Structures. Part II. Heterogeneous Structures. Diodes
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
Transport properties of semiconductors
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode
The PN junction diode. Biased junction
The PN junction diode. Biased junction
The PN junction diode. Biased junction
The PN junction diode. Biased junction
The PN junction diode. Biased junction
The PN junction diode. Biased junction
The PN junction diode. Solar cell
The PN junction diode. Solar cell
Solar cell operation
Solar cell operation
Solar cell operation
Категория: ФизикаФизика

Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor and Metal-Insulator-Metal Structures. Heterogeneous Structures. Diodes

1. Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor and Metal-Insulator-Metal Structures. Part II. Heterogeneous Structures. Diodes

Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor and MetalInsulator-Metal Structures. Part II.
Heterogeneous Structures. Diodes
Alexander Gabovich, KPI,
Lecture 9

2. Transport properties of semiconductors

3. Transport properties of semiconductors

4. Transport properties of semiconductors

5. Transport properties of semiconductors

6. Transport properties of semiconductors

7. Transport properties of semiconductors

8. Transport properties of semiconductors

9. Transport properties of semiconductors

10. Transport properties of semiconductors

11. Transport properties of semiconductors

12. Transport properties of semiconductors

13. Transport properties of semiconductors

14. The PN junction diode

15. The PN junction diode

16. The PN junction diode

17. The PN junction diode

18. The PN junction diode

19. The PN junction diode

20. The PN junction diode

21. The PN junction diode

22. The PN junction diode

23. The PN junction diode

24. The PN junction diode

Actually, the electromagnetic induction D rather than the field E should be
continuous. However, here it does not matter because the dielectric constant
ε is the same in the whole area.

25. The PN junction diode

26. The PN junction diode

27. The PN junction diode

28. The PN junction diode. Biased junction

29. The PN junction diode. Biased junction

30. The PN junction diode. Biased junction

31. The PN junction diode. Biased junction

32. The PN junction diode. Biased junction

33. The PN junction diode. Biased junction

34. The PN junction diode. Solar cell

35. The PN junction diode. Solar cell

36. Solar cell operation

37. Solar cell operation

38. Solar cell operation

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