What is it about
Who are the main characters
What happens in the story
What moral values does the text suggest
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1. Geese-swans

2. What is it about

In this tale talks about how parents are
instructed to watch over her younger brother
while they're in town. But the girl is on the
order of the parents responded responsibly
and left brother alone. Came the geese-swans
and took the boy to Baba-Yaga. And then
describes how the girl went to look for his
brother. Throughout her journey, she faced
many problems. Fortunately, she found the
brother and all returned home.

3. Who are the main characters

The main characters are:
Girl and her brother

4. What happens in the story

In this tale they say about how the parents left the
daughter with his younger brother, but the daughter
has not fulfilled the request and went to play with my
friends. Then came geese-swans stole my brother. To
save him she has to go through the woods to the hut of
Baba Yaga and escape from there home.

5. What moral values does the text suggest

This tale teaches that all should obey their
parents and fulfill their requests right to the
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