Аbout my personality
Аbout my school education
Аbout my university education
Аbout my university education
Аbout my education
Аbout my family
Аbout my plans for the future, dreams
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

About myself


about myself

2. Аbout my personality

• My name is Marina. I am 25. I
am a student. I like different
pets and plants.

3. Аbout my school education

• I study at school from
2000 till 2011 years. I
visited the section on
swimming, dancing,
playing the guitar,
Studio of needlework
and embroidery,
painting and

4. Аbout my university education

• I studied at Moscow city
pedagogical University
from 2011 till 2015
years аt the faculty of
fine arts. I was a sports
organizer of faculty.

5. Аbout my university education

• Now I study at Moscow
state pedagogical
University at the
Institute of fine arts of
the faculty of art and
graphics. The building
of my Institute is
located on the Ryazan
prospectus, the house

6. Аbout my education

• My the master's
program is teaching arts
and crafts. Duration of
training 2 years. We go
through subjects such
as decorative painting,
sculpture, painting on
fabric, designing,
english and philosophy.

7. Аbout my family

• There are 4 people in my
family: father, mother,
sister and I. Also we have
got a cat. Her name is
Masya. My mother working
at the Russian state
University for the
Humanities. My father
works as a service engineer
in the data center. My sister
studies at the Moscow
state University in the 2nd
year of the faculty of

8. Аbout my plans for the future, dreams

• I plan to start a family, to
continue my education in
graduate school, to engage in
scientific activities.


Thank you for attention
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