Категория: ГеографияГеография

Welcome to Russia. St.Petersburg


we'd like to present a project
"Welcome to Russia"
We've chosen this topic because we
would like to show the splendor of St.


St.Petersburg is the
northernmost city in the
world of the with a
population of over a million
people. Peter is located in
the northwest of the
Russian Federation, within
the Neva Lowland.


The climate in St.
Petersburg: humid, with
warm summers and an
unusually moderate for
such geographic latitude the
winter. Throughout most of
the year is dominated by
days with cloudy weather.
Despite this, the tourists still
attracted to this city. In it a
lot of attractions.


Winter Palace - the former
imperial residence and the
main pearl of the
Elizabethan baroque. Today
this masterpiece of world
architecture is part of the
State Hermitage.


Cathedral of Our Savior on
the Blood - the main shrine
of St. Petersburg, built in
pseudo-Russian style. For
its construction, even
changed the shape of the
embankment. The church is
a museum of mosaic icons.


Bronze Horseman - the first
monument of St.
Petersburg. It depicts Peter
the Great on his steed.
Despite its name, the
monument is not cast in
copper and bronze, and his
name was due to the poem
by Pushkin. Pedestal was
the "Thunder-stone" for him.
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