history of creation, story of creation
Translations in Russian language
Категория: ИскусствоИскусство

Othello. William Shakespeare

1. «Othello»

The presentation was carried out:
Daria Yudina and
Rossoshanskaya Juliana
Student groups of 3-And

2. content

The history of creation
The plot
Place deysviya
Translations in Russian language

3. history of creation, story of creation

William Shakespeare borrowed his stories from everywhere —
from the ancient Chronicles, short stories and sailor stories.
Othello was a moor. Called by the Moors in medieval
Western Europe the Muslim population of Spain and parts of
North Africa — Arabs and Berbers, captured these
territories during the second wave of the Arab conquests.
They were good sailors and warriors. Maybe the prototype of
the literary tragedy was the Italian named Mauricio Othello.
He commanded the Venetian troops in Cyprus from 1505 to
1508 and has lost his wife under extremely suspicious
circumstances. Cypriots are very proud that Desdemona
choked on their island, and are eager to show the tourists
the castle Otello in Famagusta

4. plot

Othello, the moor, gained fame as a great
commander. He meets with Desdemona, the
daughter of Brabantio. Amazed him with tales of
military campaigns, the girl falls in love with
Othello and secretly crowned him. Brabantio,
appeals to the Doge of Venice, believing that the
moor has fall in love with Desdemona by means
of witchcraft. However, Othello manages to
convince everyone that Desdemona is completely
free in his will: "It is me for the meal loved, and I
her compassion for him." He gets the assignment
to take command of a distant garrison and went
there with his young wife.


His assistant, Iago and Rodrigo, a nobleman in love with
Desdemona and had almost committed suicide, plotting.
They want to remove Othello and take his place. Iago
convinces Othello that Desdemona is Cassio's mistress, a
young subordinate of Othello. Iago gets Cassio talking
about his girl, walking across the yard past the hiding-place
Othello. From the moor, which only hears part of the
sentence, it seems that we are talking about his wife. He
begins to believe Iago and be jealous of Desdemona. In
order to finally convince Othello of Desdemona's infidelity,
Iago puts it, Cassio the handkerchief, a gift from her
husband. Othello finds the young man is "proof of treason".
Iago advises Othello to kill Desdemona in her sleep. And
Othello orders Iago to kill Cassio. Having taken out the
verdict wrong in advance, Othello accuses Desdemona. He's
not listening to her or Emilia, wife of Iago, who is trying to
convince jealous that his wife is more innocent than an
angel, she never kept anything like this. Iago and Rodrigo
go to Cassio, Rodrigo and wounds Cassio in the leg, and
then the cunning Iago kills Rodrigo naive. Comes security,
other people and take away Cassio and Rodrigo's corpse.
Iago says that defending Cassio, and Rodrigo, he didn't.


When Desdemona lay on the bed, the moor began to tell her
all that, he believes, knows. But his wife denies everything.
Shocked "mendacity" and "early corruption" one so young
(he has heard Cassio with my own ears, saw his gift in his
hands with my own eyes!), Othello strangles Desdemona (in
some translations, in particular in the Russian translation
by Pasternak, Othello smothers Desdemona, and then,
hearing the approach of Emilia, stabs).
Includes guards, Iago, Iago's wife, Cassio and other men,
they hear the moan of Desdemona's dying. Iago's wife tells
all the truth to all revealing the plans of her husband, and
the enraged Iago stabs her. And Othello, unable to bear the
news that he with his own hands killed a loving and
faithful wife, broke her own happiness, takes to himself a
death sentence and stabs. Iago is arrested and everyone
walks away.

7. Actors

The Doge Of Venice
Brabantio, Senator
Other senators
Graziano, brother, Brabantio
Othello, a noble moor in the service of the Venetian
Cassio, his Lieutenant
Iago, his cornet
Roderigo, a Venetian nobleman
Montano, predecessor of Otello management Cyprus
Clown, servant to Othello
Desdemona, the daughter of Brabantio and wife of Othello
Emilia, wife of Iago
Bianca, a courtesan

8. scene

A seaside town in Cyprus
Genre: tragedy
Author: Shakespeare William
Original language: English
Date of writing: 1604 year
Date of first publication: 1622

9. Translations in Russian language

«Othello — translated by M. Lozinski
"Othello, the moor of Venice — translated by P. Weinberg
"Othello, the moor of Venice" — TRANS. bn. Latin
"The tragedy of Othello, the moor of Venice — translated by
V. Rapoport
"Othello" — translated by O. Soroka
"Othello, the moor of Venice — translated by M. M.
"Othello, the moor of Venice — translated by A. L.
"Otello — translated by P. A. Konshina
"Othello" — translated by A. Radlova
"Othello" translated by B. L. Pasternak
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