Rainbow English 5 Unit 5 Step 7, 8
Class Work
Ex.1. Look at the picture. Imagine, you’re near the castle. Tell the way to different places you can see at the picture.
Ex. 2 Read the text and write in your exercise book “In what way this town you’d like to live”
Фразовый глагол to get
Фразовый глагол to get
Ex. 3. Complete the sentences. Use in, on, out of, off.
Ex. 5. Choose “go”/”come”
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Фразовый глагол to get

1. Rainbow English 5 Unit 5 Step 7, 8

2. Class Work

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3. Ex.1. Look at the picture. Imagine, you’re near the castle. Tell the way to different places you can see at the picture.

4. Ex. 2 Read the text and write in your exercise book “In what way this town you’d like to live”

5. Фразовый глагол to get

!Обратите внимание, что глагол to get
вместе с предлогами (in(into), out of
может переводиться по-разному:
To get in(into) a car (a taxi) – сесть в
машину (такси)
To get out of a car (a taxi) – выйти из
машины (такси)

6. Фразовый глагол to get

!Обратите внимание, что глагол to get
вместе с предлогами (on, off) может
переводиться по-разному:
To get on a bus (train, plane) – сесть в
автобус (поезд, самолёт)
To get off a bus (train, plane) – выйти из
автобуса (поезда, самолёта)

7. Ex. 3. Complete the sentences. Use in, on, out of, off.

1. Mrs Brown is in taxi. She is going to
the theatre. “We are at the
theatre,” says the driver. “Can I help
you to get… the car?”


2. The bus is in front of the
school. The pupils are going to
visit the city museum. The
teacher says, “Don’t be slow.
Get… the bus.”


3. We are going to the lake. Get
… the car. We are leaving.


4. John Baxter is at the railway
station. He is going to Glasgow.
He is getting … the train.


5. We are at home. Get… the


Let’s recognize the difference between
“to say” and “to tell”
To say
To tell
Косвенное дополнение
(объектное местоимение:
.jpg )
For example:
Your brother says to me you
are going away.
Your brother tell me you are going
Твой брат сказал мне, что
ты собираешься уходить
Твой брат рассказал мне, что ты
собираешься уходить


Ex. 4. Choose the right words to complete
the sentences. Use “tell”/”say”
People often … about their problems.
Never … lies.
I don’t like physics very much. Everybody
… it is a difficult subject, and I agree.
Garry … to me he wanted to visit the USA.
Sam …, “I want to see Brussels.”


Let’s recognize!
Come in! – Входи(те)
Go out! – Уходи(те)
Go outside! – Выйди(те)

15. Ex. 5. Choose “go”/”come”

1. You and your friend are in the classroom. You
say, “Let’s … to the gym”
2. You are in the house. Your friend is in the
street. You say, “… in and have a cup of tea
with me”
3. Your friend is in his/her house. You are at
home. You say, “… to my place, I have a
wonderful video to watch”
4. You and your mother are at home. You say,
“I’m not … out tonight. I’m staying at home”
5. He never … me where he wants to go.


Home work (отправить до 17:00 12.04):
Student’s Book (to read): p.76 ex. 4 and descibe
“Your dream town” (7-10 sentences);
p. 82-83 ex.7,8
Learn by heart new words (Ex.10 p. 83-84) Be
ready to Test!!!
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