The State Museum of the History of Religions


The State Museum of the
History of Religions
Zagvozdina Jane 5a


The Nations of Siberia and The Far
East, The Man and The Nature in
The Archaic Religion
We can see different figures made of wood there,
on the left of them there is some clothes, and on
the right there is a text that I'm not going to write
here, because it will not be interesting if you
decide to go there.
Let's go to the next hall.
The wooden figures


Shamanism among the American Indians.
Traditional beliefs of the peoples of Indonesia
• First of all, we see a huge sheet about traditional beliefs
and rituals. Then we see different things, apparently for
rituals, and clothing again (what is that? – A Museum of
• In the second window stand, we see the statuettes that
purpose is not clear.
• In the third window stand, we also see a lot of interesting
things, but if I list all of them it will take a lot of time, if
you are interested, you can go and see yourself.
• Then we have a dead end, so we go back.


The Hall of the Religion of Mesopotamia, the
Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome
At the entrance, we
immediately see a statue
without a head. I would tell you
something about it, but as I am
tried to find the information on
the Internet, I wouldn’t.
Only something on Tatarish,
I am so sorry.


• In the window stand
there are some figures
which, judging by the
name of the hall, are
either from Greece,
Rome or Egypt)))


Okay, you can list the halls and what they
have endlessly, let's move on to MY
If you are interested to see more, you can go there yourselves, either
after quarantine, or virtually.


The Nations of Siberia and the Far East.
Rites of the life cycle. Shamanism.
• Here we immediately catch the
eye of a wigwam with dummy
people in it and a huge sheet
about Siberian shamanism.
• Next to the wigwam, we see a
showcase with clothes like in
the previous hall, the only
difference is that the clothes is
more colourful and that it is
apparently used for shamanism.


• In another window stand we can see some
clothes, bows and a few other things.
• We will not stop at them.
• By the way, I like this room just because of
the wigwam)


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