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A birthday party


A birthday party


Echo: Surprise! It’s a surprise birthday. Can you see a birthday cake? Whose birthday do you think it is? Is it the baby’s birthday?
Click. Read the icons: a surprise birthday party.
A surprise birthday party


Is Steve wearing a chocolate cake? Click. Read the icons: wearing a chocolate cake. Wearing colors.
Steve is wearing birthday cake.


Is Steve wearing a chocolate cake? Can you see a sofa? What color is it? Is today Steve’s birthday? Click. Read the icons:
They give me a surprise birthday party.


Help review: In which picture is Steve dancing/skating/playing catch/racing Go-karts/playing bowling
What is Steve doing at his birthday party?


What is Peppa Pig doing? What toys can you see? Click. Read the icons: Peppa Pig is trying to find her favorite toy.


Can you see the flowers? What colors are they? Can you find the yellow flowers? What is Maggie doing? Click. Read the icons:
Maggie is trying to find the red flowers.


What is the boy doing? Is he trying to find his toy car? Click. Read the icons: He is trying to find his toy car.
He is trying to find his toy car.


What is the boy doing? Is he trying to find his toy car? Click. Read the icons: He is trying to find his toy car.
He is trying to find food.


this or that? Which T-shirt do you like The robot is trying to choose. Click. Read the icons: trying to choose.


Echo choose a cake. What is Bob doing? Is he at a cake shop? What can you see? Click. Read the icons: choose a cake.


Can you see a strawberry cake/chocolate cake? Which cake do you like? What is the boy trying to do? Click. Read the icons:
He is trying to choose a chocolate cake.


What is Bob trying to do? Click. Read the icons: He is trying to choose a cake.


Which cake has Bobby chosen? Click. Read the icons: Bobby chooses a chocolate cake.
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