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Sex Education


Ilya Petrovsky 2113
Sex Education
Sex Education» is a British comedy-drama television series about the problems of
high school students in the English town of Moordale. He explores the life and
problems of modern society and adolescents.


Different words
Existentialism - is a form of philosophical inquiry that explores the
problem of human existence and centers on the experience of thinking,
feeling, and acting.
Transcendentalism - is a 19th-century school of American theological
and philosophical thought that combined respect for nature and selfsufficiency with elements of Unitarianism and German Romanticism.
Striking – remarkable
Adolescents – teen


Otis Milburn
The main character conducts
sex therapy for peers. Lives
with his mother, a sexologist.
The father lives in the USA
and sometimes calls on
Skype. Otis is shy about his
sexuality, but well versed in
the problems of others. Thin,
brunette, wide black
eyebrows, short, blue-eyed


Maeve Wiley
Seventeen-year-old student of
Moordale. Can explain the
difference between existentialism
and transcendentalism. Sometimes
he sells his original work to other
students. She lives alone and has to
pay the rent herself. Lives in a poor
neighborhood in a trailer and is
somewhat ashamed of it. She has
an older brother, Sean Wiley, who
at the end of the first season again
gave her the opportunity to take
care of herself on her own. The
mother is a drug addict who cannot
be cured in any way. Father
abandoned them when Maeve was
a child. Pronounced large brown
eyes, a pointed face to the bottom,
of a standard build, short in


Eric Effiong
Otis’s best friend, openly gay.
Noisy, energetic. Prefers
bright clothes. Plays the
French horn. Adam calls him
Thrombohren due to the fact
that Eric was half erect on
stage. Big brown eyes,
stardom grower, athletic
build, egg-shaped face, the
most striking character on
this show.


Aimee Gibbs
Maeve’s best friend. In the
first season, he alternates with
Adam, Kyle and Steve. In the
sixth episode, she is a client of
Otis. She was part of the
Untouchables group. Popular,
loves to make lists. An oval
face, big eyes, dyed hair, lips
not large, slightly taller than
his girlfriend.


«Sex education» is not just a series about the problems of adolescents,
it reveals relationships between people, shows that all people have
their own weaknesses and strengths, that everyone is unique in their
own way. When I first started watching this show, I immediately began
to associate myself with the main character – Otis. Probably because
I’m just as shy and kind of «correct», which makes me a bit related to
this character. I advise you to watch this show so that you can also find
something in it for yourself that will help you sort out your difficulties
and thoughts. Sex education is really educational and at the same time
cognitive pastime.
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