The World of Professions. Choosing a Career.
The Plan of our Lesson
An accountant
A designer
A programmer
a shop assistant
An interpreter
A physicist
Job characteristics
Useful Vocabulary
Категория: ПедагогикаПедагогика

The World of Professions. Choosing a Career

1. The World of Professions. Choosing a Career.

2. The Plan of our Lesson

1. To remind the words by the topic “Professions”
and do lexical exercise to consolidate them.
2. To find out the difference between the words
“Job”, “Profession” and “occupation”.
3. To remind the words and phrases connected
with “job” and “profession”
4. To practice intonation in short conversations.
5. To discuss important qualities for a successful
career and tell about different kinds of jobs


Motor mechanic автомеханик
Notary public нотариус
Lawyer Адвокат, юрист
Guard охранник
Waiter официант
Administrator администратор
Manager управляющий
Hairdresser парикмахер
Banker банкир
librarian библиотекарь


Interpreter переводчик
A bookkeeper (accountant) бухгалтер
A tailor портной
Veterinarian; vet ветеринар
Postman почтальон
business owner (self-employed)
• Serviceman военнослужащий
• Programmer программист
• Shop assistant продавец


Prosecutor прокурор
Yardman, street cleaner уборщик
Psychologist психолог
Unskilled labourer разнорабочий
Designer дизайнер
Editor редактор
Dietitian диетолог
Repairman ремонтник
Private tutor репетитор
Plumber сантехник


Shoemaker сапожник
Milker, dairymaid доярка
Welder сварщик
(money) Collector инкассатор
Watch(man), guard сторож
Tattooist татуировщик
Trainer, coach тренер
Model манекенщица
Seamstress швея


Policeman, police officer полицейский
Tax officer, tax official Налоговый инспектор
Head, chief; boss начальник
Jeweller ювелир
announcer диктор
Physician доктор
Chemist Химик, фармацевт, аптекарь
Mathematician математик
Physicist физик
sociologist социолог

8. An accountant

9. A designer

10. A programmer

11. a shop assistant

12. An interpreter

13. A physicist

14. Job characteristics


Well-paid Хорошо оплачиваемая
Stressful напряженная
Challenging Трудная, требующая сил
Enjoyable Доставляющая удовольствие
Boring скучная
Rewarding стоящая
Complicated сложная
Satisfying Удовлетворяющая потребностям
prestigious престижная

16. Useful Vocabulary

To earn зарабатывать
To afford Позволять себе
To apply for Устраиваться на (работу)
A quit увольнение
inclination склонность
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