
law System of Government of Egypt by Kareem Abdelhalim


Kareem Abdelhalim
System of
Government of


Project Plan
1. Constitution of Egypt
2. The Executive Power (the Government)
3. The Legislative Power (Parliament)
4. The Judicial Power



◆ the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a transcontinental
country spanning the northeast corner of
Africa and southwest corner of Asia by a land
bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula. It is bordered by
the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Gaza
Strip (Palestine) and the Red Sea to the
east, Sudan to the south, and Libya to the west.
The Gulf of Aqaba in the northeast, whose
maximum width is 24 km (15 mi), separates Egypt
from Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Cairo is the
country's capital and largest city. Egypt has one of
the longest histories of any country, tracing its
heritage along the Nile Delta back to the
6th–4th millennia BCE.


Constitution of Egypt

The politics of Egypt are based on republicanism, with a semipresidential system of government. The current political system
was established following the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 and
the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. In the current
system, the President is elected for a six-year term, where they
are able to appoint up to 5 percent of the parliament.
Furthermore, the President has the power to dissolve Parliament
through Article 137. The Parliament of Egypt is the oldest
legislative chamber in Africa and the Middle East. The
unicameral Parliament has the ability to impeach the President
through Article 161. With 2020 elections to the new Senate, the
chamber becomes bicameral.


3-The Executive Power (the

The Government is composed of the Prime Minister and
Ministers. The Government is accountable to the President and
the Parliament.
After the appointment of the Cabinet members by the King, the
Prime Minister submits the program (about national activity,
namely in economic, social, cultural and foreign affairs) to each
one of the two Houses of Parliament. At the House of
Representatives, the program must be put to the vote.


3-The Executive Power (the

Under the Prime Minister's responsibility, the Government
ensures the execution of the laws. All public facilities are placed
at the Government's disposal.
The Prime Minister has the right to introduce bills, exercise
the administrative powers and delegate some of his powers to
the Ministers.


3-The Executive Power (the Government)

◆ Prime Minister
◆ Ministry of Territorial Planning, Water and the Environment
◆ Ministry of Finance and Privatization
◆ Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries
◆ Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training
◆ Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Executive Training and Scientific
◆ Ministry of Culture
◆ Ministry of Equipment and Transport
◆ Ministry in charge of the Modernization of Public Sectors
◆ Ministry of Industry, Trade and Upgrading the Economy


3-The Executive Power (the Government)


Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts and Social Economy
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Relations with Parliament
Ministry of Energy and Mines
Ministry of Communication
Ministry of Foreign Trade
Ministry of Economic and General Affairs
Ministry Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in charge of the Moroccan
Community Residing Abroad
◆ Ministry Delegate to the Prime Minister in charge of Housing and Habitat
◆ Secretary of State to the Minister of Social Development, Family and Solidarity, in charge of the
Family, Children and Disabled People
◆ Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, in charge of Youth


The Legislative Power (Parliament)
◆ The Parliament of Egypt is the bicameral legislature of the Arab Republic of
Egypt. It is composed of an upper house (the Senate) and a lower
house (the House of Representatives).[3]
◆ The Parliament is located in Cairo, Egypt's capital. Under the country's 2014
constitution, as the legislative branch of the Egyptian state the Parliament
enacted laws, approved the general policy of the State, the general plan for
economic and social development and the general budget of the State,
supervised the work of the government, and had the power to vote to
impeach the president of the Republic, or replace the government and its
prime minister by a vote of no-confidence.
◆ The parliament is made up of 596 seats, with 448 seats elected through the
individual candidacy system, 120 elected through winner-take-all party lists
(with quotas for youth, women, Christians, and workers) and 28 selected by
the president.[4] It is the fifth-largest legislative chamber in the world behind
the National People's Congress and the largest parliamentary body in the
Arab world.


The Legislative Power (Parliament)
◆ Powers
◆ The House of Representatives has various competences stated in Chapter Five of the
Constitution. According to article 86 the House of Representatives shall undertake:
◆ Legislation
◆ Review and approval of agreements and treaties
◆ Review and approval of the State plan and budget
◆ Discussion of the president of the Republic's statement and the government program
◆ Amendments to the Constitution
◆ Approval of declarations of war and emergency
◆ In practice, the People's Assembly had very little power prior to the 2011 Egyptian
revolution. It was dominated by the National Democratic Party, and there was little
substantive opposition to executive decisions.


4- Sovereignty

The declaration also states the following: Priority of the
constitution and laws of the Russian SFSR over the legislation of
the Soviet Union (sovereignty). Equal legal opportunities for all
citizens, political parties, and public organizations (equality
before the law). The principle of separation of legislative,
executive and judicial powers; The need to significantly expand
the rights of the autonomous republics, regions, districts,
territories of Russia (federalism).


House of Representatives
◆ The House of Representatives Speaker (HR Speaker) presides over the House
and is elected from the House membership, along with two deputies during
the first session of the season. The Speaker's role in session is to keep the
peace and order to the parliamentary session, take part in discussion
provided that he gives up his presidency to one of his deputies and doesn't
return to his presidency until the discussion is finished as well as ordering an
emergency session for one of the House' committees. In case of vacancy in
the president's office, the Speaker serves as acting president until the
presidential elections are held (Which must be within 60 days). This has
happened once, when president Anwar Sadat was assassinated in office, and
then People's Assembly Speaker, Sufi Abu Taleb served as acting president.
The last PA Speaker was Saad Al Katatny, who briefly presided the Assembly
for only 5 months from 23 January 2012 to the dissolution of parliament on
18 June 2012.


House' General Committee

This committee is formed in the beginning of the House' annual
season, headed by the Speaker. Its membership includes the
Deputy Speakers, representatives of the political parties'
parliamentary committees, and five House members (of whom
one is an independent, if there are more than ten
independents). The Speaker is responsible for outlining the
committee's agenda. The committee is responsible for discussing
the general issues put forward by the president, the prime
minister or the speaker.


The Judicial Power

Egypt has three supreme courts: the Supreme
Constitutional Court, Court of Cassation, and Supreme
Administrative Court. The Supreme Constitutional
Court has exclusive jurisdiction to decide issues
regarding the constitutionality of laws. The Court of
Cassation is the supreme court of the common court
system. The Supreme Administrative Court is the
highest court of the administrative court system, called
the State Council


The Judicial Power

The Prosecutor General and the Public Prosecution Office he
heads are an independent part of the judicial branch of
government, not under executive authority or control. The
Prosecutor General is a judge, selected from among the senior
judiciary by the Supreme Judicial Council, and appointed by the
President to serve a single term of four years. Multiple terms are
constitutionally prohibited.


The Judicial Power
The Supreme Judicial Council is the governing body responsible for the
administrative affairs of the ordinary judiciary. It has seven members,
consisting of the President of the Court of Cassation, who serves as the
council’s president; the two most senior Vice-Presidents of the Court
of Cassation; the Presidents of the Courts of Appeal for Cairo,
Alexandria, and Tanta; and the Prosecutor General.
◆ The State Council or administrative court system, adjudicates disputes
involving government actions (and sometimes inaction) and personnel
and disciplinary actions involving government employees. It is also
empowered by the constitution to issue legal opinions on issues
involving government bodies, proposed legislation, and contracts to
which the state or a public entity are a party. The judges of the
Supreme Administrative Court hear and decide cases in panels of five.


The Judicial Power

Other judicial bodies include the State Cases Authority, which
represents the state in civil litigation in which the state is a party,
and the Administrative Prosecution, which investigates financial
and administrative irregularities involving government entities
and personnel.


"Background Note: Egypt". United
States Department of State Bureau of
Near Eastern Affairs. 10 November
2010. Retrieved 5 March 2011.


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