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Tang xiaoming


e n d a n g e re d a n im a ls
speaker:Tang xiaoming


No rth e a s t Tig e r
speaker:Tang xiaoming


Northeast Tiger
Let’s get to
know the
Northeast tiger
speaker:Tang xiaoming


Northeast tiger, the scientific name of Siberian
tiger, is the largest cat in the world and the
largest tiger in the world. Among them, the
adult male Siberian tiger has a body length of
about 3 meters, a tail of more than 1 meter, an
average weight of 250 kg(kilograms), and the
largest individual can reach 350 kg. They are
worthy of the "king of the jungle". Even brown
bears have to take a detour when they see it,
Strong sense of territory.
speaker:Tang xiaoming


Wild Siberian tigers only live in
Russia,Siberia, North Korea and
Northeast China.They are nation
al first-class protected animals
and are listed in the"World Cons
ervation Union Red List of endan
gered species".
speaker:Tang xiaoming


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speaker:Tang xiaoming
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According to preliminary statistics in
2019, the number of Wild Siberian
tigers is about 700, most of them
live in the Far East of Russia and only
a few dozen live in Northeast China,
In recent years, it has been rarely
seen on the Korean Peninsula.
speaker:Tang xiaoming


In the 1950s, there were still a large number of
Siberian tigers. By the 1970s, the Siberian tiger
had disappeared in Daxinganling. The survey in
the 1980s showed that the Siberian tiger was on
the verge of extinction in China, most of which
were caused by human factors. China's poaching
and environmental damage forced it to gradually
migrate to the Russian Far East, although the
nvironment in the Far East was worse, But being
sparsely populated makes them safer.
speaker:Tang xiaoming


speaker:Tang xiaoming


speaker:Tang xiaoming


th e p a s t tw o y e a rs ,
d u e to th e im p ro v e m e n t o f w ild life
p ro te c tio n la w s , p e o p le 's a w a re n e s s o f
e n v iro n m e n ta l p ro te c tio n h a s g ra d u a lly
in c re a s e d , a n d th e s e v e re c ra c k d o wn o
n p o a c h e rs h a s s lo we d d o wn th e n u m
b e r o f Wild Am u r tig e rs . I h o p e th is s tro n
g e s t c a t c a n c o n tin u e .
speaker:Tang xiaoming


speaker:Tang xiaoming
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