
We are connected with the past by fate, the immortality of the feat comes after us



«We are connected with the
past by fate, the immortality
of the feat comes after us»


The Great Patriotic War left a huge mark in the
history of our country.
For the past 75 years, we have been annually
honoring the memory of those who died on
May 9. We all know that in the vastness of
Russia (and not only) monuments of the Great
Patriotic War were built in huge quantities.
Today we will look at some of them that are
located in hero cities.


Monument "Motherland is calling!"
located in the city of Volgograd and is
the compositional center of the
monument-ensemble "To the Heroes of
the Battle of Stalingrad“. This statue is
considered one of the highest on the
The height of the statue is 85 m together
with a sword and 52 m without a sword.


«The grieving mother»
The Monument to the Grieving
Mother is installed in Volgograd.
This is a collective image of millions
of Soviet women who lost their loved
ones in the war - son, husband, father.
Bowing down, the mother mourns the
deceased, and with it, all who
sacrificed their lives in the name of


«Area of standing to death»
The rocky base of the monument on
Mamaev Kurgan is dotted with the
inscriptions: «Stand to the death», «There
is no land beyond the Volga», «Not a step
back!», «Each house is a fortress», «We
will not shame the sacred memory».
With such inscriptions the soldiers
covered the walls of the defended
structures, with these words they went
into battle.


«Memory of generations»
A march is depicted on a stone
wall - men, women, children
carry flowers, wreaths and
lowered banners to give honor to
the fallen heroes of the Battle of
The composition symbolizes the
eternal memory of descendants
who will never betray the feat of
the fallen defenders of the city on
the Volga.


«Ruin walls»
Ruin walls, like a separate episode
from the life of the warring
Stalingrad, helping to feel the horror
of those times.
Two huge stone walls surround the
viewer on both sides, forcing the
atmosphere of military Stalingrad. The
ruin walls are made in the form of a
high relief: the figures of soldiers,
guns and tanks cut down in the walls
seem voluminous and realistic.


«Heroes Square»
The sculptural compositions recreate
specific episodes of the battles - they talk
about soldier's friendship, about fidelity
to military duty, about true heroism.


«Monumental relief»
The relief image reproduces the
story of the Soviet offensive near
Stalingrad, the joy of victory, the
capture of German generals and
soldiers, a rally of the winners.


«Unknown soldier's grave»
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in
Moscow on Red Square near the
walls of the Kremlin.
A bronze composition is installed on
the tombstone - a soldier's helmet
and a laurel branch lying on a
combat banner. In the center there is
an inscription - "Your name is
unknown, your feat is immortal."


Monument «Courage»
The defense of the Brest Fortress in June 1941
was one of the first battles of the Great
Patriotic War.
The Brest Fortress becomes a symbol of the
unwavering steadfastness of the Soviet people.
Frowning eyebrows, swollen nostrils, a
determined look is the frozen face of a living
person who has made the most important
decision in his life - to die, but not to give up.


Memorial Complex
In 1969, at the site of the village,
a memorial complex was opened.
Khatyn has become a symbol of
the mass destruction of civilians
carried out by the Nazis and
collaborators in the occupied
territory of the USSR.


Monument to military pilots in
Kiev is installed in the Glory
Park. The monument is dedicated
to military pilots who died
during the liberation of Ukraine.
The figure of the monument is
copied from Leonid Bykov: it is
depicted in its most famous stage
image - squadron commander
Titarenko from the movie "Only
Old Men Go into Battle".


Memory is our conscience!
Again the war, Again the blockade ...
Or maybe we should forget about them?
I hear sometimes: "Do not, Do not wreck
After all, it’s true that we are tired of
stories about the war.
And leafed through the blockade, the
verses are quite enough.
And it may seem: the words are right and
But even if it’s true,
Such a truth - Not right!


So that again
On the planet earth
That winter didn’t happen again
We need our children
This was remembered by us!
I'm not in vain worried
So that the war is not forgotten:
After all, this memory is our
She, as a force, we need...




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