Sales basics

Sales basics

1. Sales basics


What is the difference
between a “product-focused
sales" and a" client-focused

3. “Product-focused sales" and a " client-focused sales"

“Product-focused sales" and a " clientfocused sales"
Product-focused salesman
1. Will sell what the customer requests,
not much caring - whether the client is
aware of his needs, and if he found
something really appropriate to meet
his goals.
He gives detailed advice on each of the
items. The customer will leave the store
with four boxes. However, he may soon
be disappointed by purchase: it was not
advised him to buy one device that
combines these all functions, and thus
he could save desktop space and
Client-focused salesman
He will find out what for exactly the
client is planning to use this office
He will clarify how big will be
circulation of documents.
How many people will use this
technology, in which place it will be,
what are the requirements to the
quality of work (you need a standard
or high quality)
What are the future plans to expand
the range of office equipment, and so

4. “Product-focused sales" and a " client-focused sales"

“Product-focused sales" and a " clientfocused sales"
Product-focused salesman
After a while the client himself will decide
that the next time he will address to
another shop, in addition – he will give to
his friends a recommendation not to use
the services of this company any more. If
you ask this salesman - why he, as a
specialist in this area, do not recommend
more right decision, he is likely to respond
that he just suggested that was requested
Client-focused salesman
And only after finding out all the needs and
conditions he will make some proposal that
will for sure satisfy all client’s needs, but at
the same time - quite possibly that it will
be achieved with completely different range
of techniques and investment scheme.

5. Client-focused sales: why should we estimate each client?

Soviet Union time: no competitors - no client-focused
Who does not like – may go out of the shop!

6. What is the difference between indoor and outdoor salesman?

Indoor salesman
Sales representative
1. Attached to his work place
Flexible and free in his movements (
his legs are feeding him )
2. Works with a client who already
came to do some shopping.
Have to find a client by himself
3. Mainly his duty just to answer on
client’s questions
Create and build a dialog with a client
4. Mostly deals with clients who are
ready to buy something
Have to persuade a client that he
heeds to buy something, i.e. he must
put a new need to the head of the
client persuade a client (“sell" an
5. The most important competence
of salesman – to know everything
about goods.
For SR it is very important to have
special personal characteristics and to
be able to persuade people to buy

7. What is selling Salesman & Sales Representative?

What is selling Salesman & Sales
Indoor Salesman
Sales Representative
The product, which meets
customer needs to a greater or
lesser extent
He is selling The Idea, i.e. his task
is to generate demand in the
product that he is selling
He describes the benefits of the
He describes which benefits and
conveniences the client will
receive from the use of this
product (based on existing or
formed client's needs)


SR in his work should go even further - he must not only to be
able to professionally find the true needs of the client, he must
be able to generate demand in the product which he is selling.


To be engaged in sales - it means not only to meet client
needs, but mostly to be able to create them. To convince
the client that it is really necessary for him, and to make
it such way that after the purchase client will not feel
disappointment - that's aerobatics for Sales
Thus, unlike a simple seller, outdoor sales man - is not
only the seller of goods, but seller of IDEAS!

10. What is the secret of successful sales representative?




12. Self-Respect

1. Raise your self motivation
2. Love your job
3. Raise your self-confidence and
confident style of communication
(inner composure)


14. What must know and do SR?

His territory, namely:
number of restaurants;
their names;
names of people who are responsible for signing contracts and making
different ways of dealing with each important person in a restaurant, their
character, habits and so on. how important the relationship with every
kind of person, his character and habits;
steps of visit.


Company’s product:
strengths and weaknesses of the product;
features and benefits of the product in comparison with
ways to promote the product;
all the possible objections to buy the product and ways to
overcome them.


Everything about your Company:
the history of the company,
its position among competitors.
maximum information about competitors,
their prices,
methods of working,
ways of capture clients from competitors.
Standards, rules of work:
steps of a business visit to a new client;
which documents to drawn up at the beginning of cooperation with a


Good Sales Representative must be
able to understand clients values,
needs and problems

18. Triangle ARC

R – Reality – is agreement, or what we agree to be real is real
A - Affinityemotional response,
feeling of affection
for someone
or smth./or the lack of it
C – Communication
interchange of
ideas between 2 people
Without C no R and A, without R no C and А. When one element is
reduced – others are starting to reduce as well. You need to increase
the only one angle and other 2 will be also increased after that.
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