
New Seven Wonders of the World


New Seven Wonders of the
By Kate Oleinik


In 2ched a campaign to determine the New
Seven Wonders of the World. The list was
finally established in 2007, though some
people had to disagree with it because
some of their favorite place such as
Athene's Acropolis were dismissed from
the list. But we are here not to discuss
the choice of wonder but to enjoy, so
here's the final list of the New Seven
Wonder of the World:
Great Wall of China
Chichén Itzá
Machu Picchu
Christ the Redeemer


Colosseum - The Flavian Amphitheatre


Our world has countless number of
beautiful antique buildings with great
architecture, and one of the most
impressive one of them is Colosseum - the
Flavian Amphitheatre
Colosseum is one of the most well-known
building in our history. Colosseum itself
represents a big open-air theater what we
call nowadays amphitheater. Firstly, it
was built a long time ago in Rome, in the
end of the first century by the order of
the Emperor Vespasian. Actually, this
building can be classified as the biggest
amphitheater of the past, because of it's
enormous scale(масштаб) - 189 by 156
meters. Moreover, Colosseum was capable
of holding 50,000 spectators, who watched
a variety of events.


Since we are talking about events that
took place in Colosseum, it is necessary
to mention their famous gladiators
fights. Even though they were extremy
cruel and leaded to death of almost 200
000 people, we still listen to stories
about mighty gladiators with
admiration.In order to gain popularity,
emperors organised and paid for events in
the Colosseum themselves. Entry was free
for all ancient Romans and they sometimes
had free food throughout the spectacles
too. The animals brought to fight in the
arena came from all over the Roman
To conclude all said above, I can say
that I personally admire everything about
Colosseum because of it's rich history
and majestic architecture.


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