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Machine translation of film subtitles


Министерство образования науки Республики Казахстан
Карагандинский университет им. академика Е.А. Букетова
Machine translation of film
По специальности 5B020700 - Переводческое дело
Выполнила: студентка группы РАП-41 Бикеева А.Ж.
Научный руководитель: ст. преподаватель Клунная В.О.
Караганда 2022


The relevance
• The relevance of this work is due to the growing need for
high-quality translations of films using subtitles, as well as
the development of video processing, demonstration
systems and machine translation systems, the increasing
commercialization of world cinema, resulting in an
increased need to translate audio-visual materials (films)
into various foreign languages, including Russian.


•The purpose of the
study is to consider
the problems of
modern machine
translation of
subtitles, as well as
their features.


In accordance with the
purpose of the study,
we set ourselves the
following tasks:
1) Consider and study
the concept of
"subtitling" and
"machine translation".
2) To identify the main
technical and linguistic
difficulties encountered
in machine translation
of subtitles, as well as
ways to overcome them.
3) Summarize the results
and make a conclusion.


The object
• The object of this research is the features of
machine translation of subtitles used in the
translation of audio-visual works into foreign


• The subject of the study
The subject
is the problems of machine
translation systems of
subtitles from English to
Russian and vice versa.


• The material for the
work was an excerpt
from the film "The
Pursuit of Happyness"
— an American
biographical film
directed by Gabriele
Muccino, released in
• As well as an excerpt
from "Twenty—One"
(21) - an American
drama film directed by
Robert Luketic based on
a novel by Ben Mezrich
written in 2003 — the
premiere in the United
States was scheduled for
March 28, 2008.


Subtitle edit
• Subtitle Edit is a tool whose
main function is to edit and
create subtitles through a simple
interface that will allow you to
correct a couple of lines in a
matter of seconds. This
ingenious program can work in
more than 170 subtitle formats
and is available in almost 30


Subtitle edit
1.«I’m okay?» :
• Machine translation- «Я в порядке?»
• Corrected version - «Я могу идти?»
2. «Excuse me»:
• Machine translation - «извини меня»
• Corrected version - «извиниТЕ меня»
3. «Pleasure»:
• Machine translation - «Удовольствие»
• Corrected version - «Рад знакомству»
4. «I've been sitting out there» :
•Machine translation - «Я сижу»
•Corrected version- «Я сидел»
5. «you're pretty determined»:
•Machine translation - «ты довольна
•Corrected version - «ты довольна решителен»
6. «I’ll say»:
•Machine translation - «Я скажу»
•Corrected version - «Это верно», «Я согласен»


When translating this excerpt on YouTube, some replicas were not
translated, they simply were not recognized.
In some moments the translation was quite good, taking into
account all declensions, etc.
• On YouTube, you can enable
automatic creation of subtitles.
The automatic creation of
subtitles is based on speech
recognition technology using
machine learning algorithms, so
the quality of subtitles can be
One of the disadvantages was that the subtitles appeared
inconveniently and this made it difficult to read.
There were also blemishes with verb endings, for example:
«Я хочу изучаЙ это дело» -instead of «изучаТЬ»,
«вы задаЙ мне вопрос» - instead of «задайТЕ»,
«ты скажеМ» - вместо «скажеШЬ» and another .


• Thanks to the use of modern technology, Aegisub
Advanced Subtitle Editor is an excellent assistant in
creating subtitles for movies using audio or video.
• The program allows you to format the text of
subtitles using styles and effects. Moreover, it allows
you to place subtitles in any part of the frame,
adding flexibility when translating inscriptions, signs,
etc. The preview function allows you to see the result
of work in real time, and immediately make edits.
This editor has a user-friendly, thoughtful interface
that is quite simple to understand.
1.«Прием, прием» :
•Machine translation- «reception»​
•Corrected version - «do you copy, over?»
• 2. «Его Ньютон украл»:
• Machine translation- «His Newton stole»
• Corrected version - «Newton stole it»
• 3. «круче»:
• Machine translation- «tougher»
• Corrected version - «cooler»
• 4. «ведущий»: using two options when one
is needed


Online subtitle translator
• On Translate Subtitles webs
ite you can translate subtitle
s for movies, series, docum
entaries and other types. Yo
u can translate subtitles thr
ough subtitles translators fr
om one language to another
in the following subtitle for
mats: SRT, SUB, SBV, ASS,


Based on the results of the study, we came to the
following conclusions:
Machine translation tools cannot yet capture all the
semantic nuances of the original text.
Currently, the translation of movies using subtitles
is a common way of translating movies and has a
number of advantages over other methods.
As can be seen from all of the above, the practical
problems that arise when using automatic equipment
for translation from one language to another are
diverse and complex.
At this stage of the development of machine
translation, its main problems have not yet been
The greatest number of difficulties in translation
and, accordingly, errors in translation refers to the
level of grammar.
The ultimate goal is to create a machine that would
give a fairly correct translation that does not need
subsequent editing. In the meantime, machine
translation needs mandatory editing.


Thanks for your attention!
English     Русский Правила