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"We remember!»


"We remember!»


For almost 75 years, we and the former Soviet republics have
lived and worked in peace. The great Patriotic war ended in
May 1945. This spring day on May 9 is marked in the history
of our country as the "Day of the Great Victory".


Time will not take away from us this historic day.
This shows even more clearly the world-historical
significance of our victory. May 9 is a special
day. This is a wonderful holiday, different from all
other holidays. This is a national holiday and at
the same time very personal.


Captain Nikolai Frantsevich
Gastello April 23 1907 – June 26
1941 was a Russian aviator and a
Hero of the Soviet Union. He is
one of the best known Soviet war
heroes, being the best known Soviet
pilot to conduct a "fire taran" – a
suicide action by the pilot of an
aircraft on fire, flying into a target
with the intention of setting it


Young generations know about the great
Patriotic war only from books and films. But it's
hard to believe that their hearts don't get excited
on Victory Day. Especially when they meet war


Victor Talakhin 1918-1941,
pilot, Hero of the Soviet
Union, junior lieutenant. He
served in the fighter aviation
regiment during the Great
Patriotic War. 07/07/1941 one
of the first to prevail ram. He
shot down 6 aircraft. He died
in a battle near Moscow.


The victory was won at a high price. The
Soviet people had to fight the fascists from the
White sea in the North to the Black sea in
the South. Heroic people not only defended
their country, they saved the world.



On June 22, 1941, Hitler's Germany attacked the
Soviet Union, after which the country became a
participant in the war that began in 1939. The turn of
the war on the Eastern front was the battle of
Stalingrad, now Volgograd, in the winter of 1942-43.
Losses on both sides are estimated at about 1.5-2 million
people, and the battle is considered to be the bloodiest in
the war. German troops never managed to recover after
Stalingrad. Berlin fell in may 1945. The Soviet
Union lost about 27 million citizens during the war,
both military and civilian.



During the great Patriotic war, all peoples heroically fought
for peace and freedom of the land and saved the world from
fascism. This is why war veterans are respected not only by one
nation, but by people all over the world. People of the world
honor the memory of those who died in the war. On this day,
demonstrations with photos of heroes are held in the streets.
There are many streets, schools, and buildings named after the
names of heroes.



We thank our veterans who took part in this war.
Thanks to them, we live in the world today.
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