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Using C++ for Computer Game
1. Using C++ for Computer Games
Danila IvanovVoronezh State Technical University
Presentation Outline:-Historical facts about C++
-Programmers Choice
-Main Features of C++
Historical facts about C++1980 – appearance
Today – used all over the world
Programmers ChoiceQuestion: Why?
Answer: Interactivity
Main Features of C++1. -compiled, statically typed general—
purpose programming language
-supports programming paradigms such as
procedural programming, object-oriented
programming, generalized programming,
-provides modularity, separate
compilation, exception handling, data
abstraction, declaration of types (classes)
of objects, virtual functions
3. supports various programming styles,
including object-oriented programming
2. -High speed, high performance
4. well-maintained
6. Using C++ for Computer Games
Danila IvanovVoronezh State Technical University
[email protected]