Категория: ИсторияИстория

People i admire most of all


People I admire most of all


Aleksandr Sergeyevich
Pushkin was a Russian
author of the Romantic
era who is considered by
many to be the greatest
Russian poet and the
founder of modern
Russian literature.


Robert Lawrence Stine
is an American writer
and producer. Stine,
who is called the
"Stephen King of
children's literature," is
the author of hundreds
of horror fiction novels.
R. L. Stine's books have
sold over 400 million
copies as of 2008.


Stephen Edwin King is an American
author of contemporary horror,
supernatural fiction, suspense,
science fiction, and fantasy. His
books have sold more than 350
million copies, many of which have
been adapted into feature films,
miniseries, television shows, and
comic books. He earned the
nickname - "King of Horror". King
has published 54 novels, including
seven under the pen name Richard
Bachman and six non-fiction books.
He has written nearly 200 short
stories, most of which have been
collected in book collections. Many of
his stories are set in his home state of


Mikhaíl Afanasyevich
Bulgakov was a Russian
writer and playwright
active in the first half of
the 20th century. He is
best known for his novel
The Master and
Margarita, which has
been called one of the
masterpieces of the 20th


The last person in my project is more
than one person is a group of people.


The Young Guard was antifascist underground organization
Komsomol boys and girls, in the
German-occupied Soviet city of
Krasnodon. The youngest
participant was 14 years. They
were active during the Eastern
Front of World War II, until
January 1943. They carried out
several acts of sabotage and
protest before being destroyed by
German forces. Most members of
the Young Guard, about 80
people, were tortured and then
executed by the Germans.
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