
Literature review. How to write a literature review. Part 1


Literature review
How to write a literature review
Part 1


Step 1. Find the relevant research
You can waste a lot of time if you don’t have the right approach
4 methods/tactics how to find the relevant literature
1. Google Scholar
2. University online library
3. Snowballing
4. Relevant dissertations


4 methods/tactics how to find the relevant
literature – 1. Google Scholar
• scholar.google.com
• Google Scholar is just a search engine for academic material
• Go to Google Scholar and just search for any possible relevant keyword
and have a dig though all of the articles that are there
• A good way to figure out what is relevant is to open an article and quickly
read the abstract
• Having a quick read though will give you a decent idea of whether or not
this is something that suits your area of research
• Take down the titles exactly as you see them, including the author’s name,
date, ect


4 methods/tactics how to find the relevant
literature – 2. University online library
• https://www.lib.tpu.ru/html/full-text-db
here you have access to any paid articles


4 methods/tactics how to find the relevant
literature – 3. Snowballing
What you need to do?
• Download 3 articles that are super relevant to your research
questions and go to the end of them. You will find a list of refences
there. Pay attention to the articles that other people reference
• You can find referenced articles using University library.
• You will see a ‘snowball’ effect where you are picking more and more
• Eventually, you will end up with a wealth of highly relevant articles


4 methods/tactics how to find the relevant
literature – 4. Relevant dissertations
• Have a look at other people dissertations that are related to your
• Dissertations are a great place to look because they have done the
work that you are doing now.


Step 1 recap:
• Use google scholar to find quality resources
• Use your university library for paid resources
• Snowball reference list from relevant journal articles
• Review related dissertations
• Tip: don’t read the full article. Read the abstract. If the abstract is not
enough, read the introduction and conclusion.
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