Категория: ИсторияИстория

The Rzhev Memorial


The Rzhev Memorial


A 25-meter figure of a soldier on a high embankment hill
stands near the M9 highway. The names of the fallen are
immortalized on steel plates and in the multimedia exposition
of the museum pavilion, which is a branch of the Victory


In 2017, the authorities decided: the Rzhev Memorial should
be. In 2018, the results of the creative competition were
summed up and one sculpture out of three was chosen. Most
of the money was sent by the Russians. Who donated as much
as they could. Pensioners sent a thousand. Relatives of those
killed in the battles of Rzhev — 5-10 thousand, they often
signed transfers with the names of fallen fighters. They say that
the largest transfer was made by an unknown businessman —
he transferred 150 million rubles for the construction of the


The memorial is located in the Tver region in the town of Rzhev.
You can visit it on any day of the week for free.


The end
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