
Forming of personality of child of early age. Crisis of three years


Forming of personality of child of early age. Crisis of three years.
Fedorniak Denys
Group PS-11


Personality development of child of this age takes place on the basis of the that
System of motivation, that was folded in accordance with the social situation
of development. On the certificate of А.О. Reana, the system of
motivation of child is determined by leading personality necessities:
Base personality necessities of child :
A requirement in safety, support
A requirement is in a communication
A requirement is in the impressions
A requirement is in confession
A requirement is in achievements
A requirement is in love, emotional favour


Noticeable changes take place during early age in the emotional sphere
of child. They intermingling of child predefined by expansion with people,
capture language means and development of independence of child.


In the emotions of child the element of involuntary inheritance relaxes gradually, they
answer actions and state of child all anymore. The sphere of stimuli that cause the
emotions of child becomes considerably wider, a positive contact is quicker put right with
other children is the so-called playing emotional contact. Children already can find out
sympathy, pity to other on condition of stimulation adult. Under act of relations from the
social emotions of child develop adults, емпатія appears to other people. An important
role development of emotions of preschool pre-child is played by the words-estimations
of adults, they form the future self-appraisal of child. Listening of fairy-tales, verses and
stories activates experiencing of intellectual emotions a kid. The children of this age
experience negative emotions - anger, fear, offense, shame and others like that. From an
atmosphere that dominates in family, the emotional health of child, origin of her selfappraisal depends. Take place and violation of emotional development of preschool prechildren, such as an emotional coldness and prevailing of negative


The children of three years are already able even to restrain the direct emotions under act of
adult. Meantime more or less proof attitude appears toward certain people from near
surroundings of child. Proudness, that at first is expressed in experiencing of pride for the own
achievements positively estimated by adults, is formed in parallel. Then there is and fastened
an emotion of shame, when a child experiences concerning the possible loss of positive idea
about itself from the side of adults, she values the estimation of that. However too frequent
inadequate stimulation by the adults of shame for a child can pawn a complex for her


In opinion of Н.М. Askasinoi, the most characteristic reasons of
emotional violations of children of early age are:
• Violation of usual stereotype of behavior of child (move, change of
• Misconstruction of the mode of day of child, that causes nervous
overload Wrong educator receptions (intimidation. corruption kid)
• Absence of necessary terms is for activity of child (impoverished
activity, deficit of the impressions)
• Forming of unilateral of emotional attachment (connection is
exceptionally with a mother)
• Contradictory attitudes and requirements of adults are toward a child


In early age a child arrives at noticeable successes with
forming of arbitrariness of the actions. Executing each time
anymore the gradually complicated operating under objects,
kids are managed in co-ordination of motions. The
reiteration of actions develops adult subordination of actions
to the aim. Seizing the active broadcasting, child farther and
determines the aim of the actions a corresponding word such action becomes realized. Producing actions, a kid
studies to surmount obstacles, behavior becomes all more
controlled, less impulsive.


Communicating from to the adults or playing with the persons of the same age,
a preschool pre-child localizes his corporal and psychical states in to the soba,
separating ”I" from " not I". Hereupon gradually there is her idea about itself,
there are rudiments of consciousness, that appears in that in this age a child
already well knows itself in a mirror, on a photo. Instead of expressions about
itself in the third person and as though outside, she all more often uses the
pronoun of ”I". These changes testify to appearance of psychical new formation
of age - self perception.
At the end of the third year a kid quite often declares "I"! in those cases, when
adults do for him that he already can do independently. So child's increase of
tendency appears to independence, to considerably more wide participating of
child in activity of adults, that enters into contradiction with her real possibilities
and stereotype relation of adults. This situation becomes basis for experiencing
of crisis of 3 years a child.


For a kid a tendency appears to independent satisfaction of the necessities, and
the adult keeps the old type of mutual relations and limits activity of child the
same. Parents begin to feel difficulties in mutual relations with a child, become the
usual displays of behavior of that obstinacy, negativism is a refuse to execute
pointing adult or opposite actions, capriciousness, irritability, depreciation of old
codes of conduct a kid. Such behavior of child has selective character - touches
only adult that "trench" upon her freedom.
Important is a choice of correct position by adults, so as them absolute insistency
the neuroticism of child can cause on it, to intimidate her, break the sprouts of will,
and indulgence to the whims of kid - to corrupt him. A crisis of three years is the
phenomenon important, but transitional, aspiration of independence, adultness in
future will be realized in the game of child.


Researcher of crisis of 3-ох years Elsa Koehler distinguished 7
her typical descriptions:


Used literature:
• Web-site «Pidru4niki»
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