Категория: ГеографияГеография

White rocks on the Kuril. Islands


White rocks on the Kuril


• The white rocks are located on the
island of Iturup, the largest of the
Kuril Islands. They consist of
pumice and were formed after the
eruption of an ancient volcano.
Under the influence of rain and
wind, the rocks changed their
shape and acquired an unusual
lace relief. In combination with
black volcanic sand and bright
greenery, they look completely


In addition to the rocks, there are a lot of interesting things on
the island — several active volcanoes, hot thermal springs,
lava plateaus, coves, waterfalls.


• Iturup is one of the islands that is part of the Kuril Islands.
There are rocks of amazing beauty that stretch for 28 km.
They are located right on the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk,
which creates an even more impressive picture: on the one
hand — the sea, on the other — rocks, and in the middle —
a gray beach.


• The climate of the Kuril Islands is moderately cold, monsoon.
Temperature in February is from – 5 to – 7 degrees C. The average
temperature in August is from 10 degrees C.


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