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Isaac Newton




Sir Isaac
4 January 1643, Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire,
Kingdom of England - 31 March 1727, London,
Greater London, England, Kingdom of Great Britain


About him
• A brilliant English scientist who laid the foundations of modern higher
mathematics and theoretical physics
• In the book Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Newton formulated the
laws of motion, known as Newton's laws and the law of universal gravitation,
which became the basis of the scientific worldview for the next three
centuries and had a great influence not only on physics, but also on philosophy.
Using his theory, Newton was able to explain Kepler's laws describing the motion
of the planets around the Sun, thereby denying the last doubts about the
heliocentric system of the universe.


Brilliant man.
• Newton built the first reflector telescope and developed a theory of color based
on observations of the splitting of white light into a spectrum in an optical
prism. He formulated the empirical law of heat transfer, and was the first to
propose a formula for calculating the speed of sound in air.
• Newton was a devout Christian, although he held some orthodox views on the
nature of the Trinity. Newton devoted considerable time to alchemy and biblical
chronology, although most of his work in these fields remained unpublished
during his lifetime. Newton graduated from Cambridge University and was
professor of mathematics there. He was the president of the Royal Scientific
Society and a member of parliament.


Very cool.
• Newton graduated from Cambridge University and was professor of mathematics
there. He was the president of the Royal Scientific Society and a member of
parliament. He served the government of the Kingdom of England in 1696 -1727 as
an overseer, from 1699 as director of the Royal Mint, he laid down the
principles that ensured the currency stability and financial power of England
for a century, turned London into the financial center of the world.


And now we
going to
the tests!
1.When was Isaac Newton born?
A) 4 January 1643
B) 6 February 1645
C) 4 January 1644


2.Where he was born?
• A)London, Great Britain
• B)Lincolnshire, Kingdom of England
• C)Liverpool, United Kingdom


3.What was his profession?
• A)Engineer
• B)Scientist
• C)Architect


4.What was the first thing
Newton built?
• A)A refrigerator
• B)A sunglasses
• C)A reflector telescope
• D)a telescope


5.In which book Newton formulated the laws of
motion, known as Newton's laws and the law of
universal gravitation?
• A)Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
• B)Mathematical Principles of Natural Mathematical
• C)Principles of Natural Disasters


6.Who was he?
• A)A devout Christian
• B)A Catholic
• C)Islam


7.What university did
Newton graduate from?
• A)Oxford University
• B)University of Bristol
• C)Cambridge University


8.From 1699 he was the
director of the...
• A)Royal Mint
• B)Royal Guard
• C)Royal Bagette


9.How did Isaac Newton
discover gravity?
• A)This idea came to him while he was making breakfast
• B)An apple fell on his head
• С)He accidentally hit his head on the table


10.Does Isaac Newton's contribution
to science make sense?
• A)Yes, of course.
• B)No.
• C)I don't know.
• D)Banana.


Thanks for wathing!
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