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Hawaiian Islands




The Hawaiian Islands were discovered by James Cook in 1778 during a trip
around the world.
Hawaii is an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. It consists of 162 islands, but
only seven of which are inhabited.
• Hawaii is one of the most amazing and unusual states of America. It is
amazing because it is located on the Hawaiian archipelago in the
center of the Pacific Ocean. The nearest point in the USA is Los
Angeles, located 3.5 thousand kilometers away. The number is 1.3
million people.
State is urban — more than 75% of the population lives in cities. The
population loves their language — Hawaiian, even Americans who do
not know this language greet each other — Aloha! Nevertheless,
English is recognized as the official language.


The largest city is the capital
of Hawaii — Honolulu. There
are other fairly large cities on
the islands — Hilo, Kailua,
Kaneohe. The most popular
among tourists, and
accordingly the most
developed is the island of


How to get
The Hawaiian Islands are the
largest transportation hub in the
North Pacific Ocean. Honolulu
Airport has routes connecting the
United States and Canada with
East Asian countries, Australia, the
Philippines, and New Zealand.
Russian tourists usually fly
through the territory of the
United States. It is more
convenient to do this via Los
Angeles, and then fly on a
domestic flight to Honolulu (~ 5


Hawaii is the only place in the USA where the flag of Great Britain is officially raised. It's all about the
state flag. In its upper left corner is the Union Jack.
It is believed that the first Hawaiian flag appeared in 1816, during the time of the Kingdom of Hawaii.


The first option was with nine lanes. In 1945, there were eight of them, symbolizing the eight main islands of the
archipelago: Hawaii, Kauai, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, Oahu. This option is still used today.
In 1893, the monarchy in Hawaii was overthrown. The formed republic retained the old royal flag.
In 1898, the United States annexed the islands, and in 1959 granted them the status of a separate state.
In 1959, Hawaii became the fiftieth U.S. state. The archipelago, located in the Pacific Ocean, has been approaching
this status for half a century. After all, at the end of the XIX century, the Hawaiian Islands were an independent
kingdom that tried to build its own foreign and domestic policy.
The current governor of Hawaii is Democrat Josh Green, who took office on December 5, 2022.


Attractions of the Hawaiian Islands
Mount Mauna Kea
Waymea Canyon State Park


Hawaiian Volcanic National Park
Iolani Palace


Hanauma Bay
Diamond Head State Monument


Bernice Pauahi-Bishop Museum
Punaluu Beach


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