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Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein
Безрукова Ольга
Зекошева Алиса
Киреева Настя
Самкова Юля


Albert Einstein was born
on March 14, 1879 in
the German city of Ulm.
In 1880, the Einsteins
moved to Munich.
Albert had almost no
friends, he practically
did not communicate
with peers. The boy's
favorite occupation was
building houses of
cards, and alone.
Albert spent a lot of time
in the company of Uncle
Jacob, who taught him
to love exact sciences.
Uncle introduced his
nephew to textbooks in
mathematics, and a little
later in geometry, the
boy was very happy
when he managed to
find a solution to a
difficult problem himself



The scientist got married at the age of 26. His chosen one's
name was Mileva Marich, they lived together for eleven
years. This marriage cannot be called happy, the spouses
often quarreled, and the reason was quite banal – Albert
loved to have affairs on the side. They say he had romantic
relationships with several attractive girls. In this marriage,
he had 2 sons.
After his divorce from his first wife, Albert soon remarried.
This time his choice fell on his cousin Elsa Leventhal. He
also had his eye on her daughter, but the girl clearly did not
favor Einstein, the age difference with whom was 18 years


In 1827, Robert Brown observed pollen
grains in water through a microscope
and found that they were moving
through water, but could not determine
the causes of this movement. Albert
Einstein wrote an article about this
random motion of particles in a liquid,
known as Brownian motion. He
explained in detail that the motion
observed by Brown is the result of the
movement of pollen by individual water
molecules. Although atoms and
molecules have long been described by
scientists, Einstein's explanation of
Brownian motion served as the final
confirmation that atoms and molecules
really exist.
Brownian motion


During the consequently
explanation , the size of
of Brownian
determined study of the
the size of
behavior of
atoms and
atoms gave
the number experimenter
of atoms in a
s the
mole. It
allowed us to
to count
experimental atoms using
ly determine
number and,



The scientist predicted the relationship
between mass and energy through his
famous formula E= mc2. This showed that
the particle has an energy called “rest
energy”, different from its classical kinetic
and potential energies. This meant that
gravity had the ability to bend light and could
be used to calculate the amount of energy
released or consumed during nuclear



Interesting facts
• If some scientific problem did not want to be given to him in any way, Einstein began to play the
violin. As he himself said, during the game, insights often descend on him
• He always asked for one dollar for an autograph. There was no shortage of willing people, and he
then donated the money to charity
• One of Einstein's children suffered from dementia, and spent most of his life in a psychiatric hospital,
outliving his father by only ten years.
• Perhaps it was he who stimulated the invention of the atomic bomb by the Americans when, in 1939,
he warned the US government that active developments in this area were underway in Germany
(see interesting facts about the USA)


• For unknown reasons, the word "we"
infuriated the great physicist. The
reasons for such a strange reaction can
only be guessed.
• According to him, he learned to speak
only at the age of seven, because he did
not want to communicate with anyone.
• Shortly before his death, he practically
completed a scientific work, which he
considered one of the most important in
his life, but burned all his manuscripts
without publishing them.
• Einstein allowed his brain to be
examined after death. Seven hours after
his heart stopped, his brain was
removed, but the autopsy pathologist
kidnapped him.
• The portrait of Albert Einstein was
depicted on Israeli banknotes with a face
value of five lira, issued in the 70s and
80s of the last century.
• Einstein's dying words, uttered by him in
the hospital immediately before cardiac
arrest, remained unknown because he
uttered them in German, and only an
English-speaking doctor was nearby.
Interesting facts


In 1955, doctors diagnosed him with an aortic aneurysm, but Einstein refused
the operation. He died on the same day, the cause was a hemorrhage in the
abdomen. The scientist's body was cremated, and the ashes were scattered to
the wind


The end
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