New Notifications Concept for Doc Type
New Notifications Concept for Doc Type = invoices and delivery advices and improvements for order confirmation notificationsAs a user of collect,
I want to be able to set customized notification settings for all doc types
In order to be able to increase my user experience.
Acceptance Critera:
Make it possible to set notifications via e-mail for different document types
New tab “Invoices” and “Delivery Advice” in settings accordion “Notifications”, when module “Invoices” or “Invoice_Order_Matching” or Delivery
Advice is assigned
there should be three areas for notifications for invoices
System notification (if Basis Modul Invoice or Invoice_Order Matching is assigned)
Invoice Approval workflow rules
Invoice Order matching notification rules
Delivery Advices:
System notification (if Basis Modul Invoice or Invoice_Order Matching is assigned)
1. System notification for Invoices (ifBasic module Invoice or
Invoice_Order Matching is
2. Please add this tab with system
notification also to order
confirmations Tab (let me know if a
separate task is needed for this)
3. Please add this tab with system
notification also to a new delivery
advice Tab, for the case when
delivery Advice module is assigned
(let me know if a separate task is
needed for this)
1. Creating rules should besimilar to notification rules
for order confirmations
2. there should be a new
criteria to set a workflow
3. Add new workflow stages
opens the window with
possible workflow stages
4. There should be a
possibility to set a number
of days when the
notification sould be sent
1. the possible workflowstages are displayed
dynamically depending on
which invoice approval
workflow has been
1. Creating rules for notification ifInvoice order matching module is
2. should be similar to notification
rules for order confirmations
3. Status values should be from invoice
assignment and document matching
1. Only the system notification settingsshould be available for delivery
2. system notification settings should
be added also order confirmation tab