Категория: ИскусствоИскусство

Raphael Santi's painting «The Athenian School»


MBOU "Gymnasium No. 12"
Department of Education of the administration
Leninsk- Kuznetsk city district
MBOU DPO "Scientific and methodological Center"
Raphael Santi's painting «The Athenian School»
Made by:
Artishchev Vadim Vyacheslavovich,
10 "A" class


The fresco is made in a wide palette. The
shades are selected in such a way that
incredibly accurately convey the atmosphere of
antiquity. They all have naturalness,
naturalness. There don't seem to be any simple
classical colors in their pure form, but they are
so elegantly subtoned that beige, reddishburgundy, brown, bluish shades produce only a
favorable visual impression. At the same time,
each of them carries a certain semantic load.
Because the language of color is also a
philosophy. It couldn't have been any other way
for Raphael.
In the center, in the foreground, the Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle are depicted, symbolizing two directions of
classical thought: idealism and materialism. Raphael gave Plato the features of his famous older contemporary Leonardo
da Vinci. On the top left, we see Socrates and Xenophanes, and next to them a group with Pythagoras. To the right, Euclid,
draws on the blackboard. At the top right is a self-portrait of Raphael, in a black beret. Cynic Diogenes is sitting on the
stairs. And in the foreground appears a lone figure of Heraclitus, sitting, leaning.


The "Athenian School" became a symbol of the union of art,
philosophy and science, which was a distinctive feature of the Italian
Renaissance. Painted between 1509 and 1511, it is located in the first
of the four rooms of the Stanze della Segnatura.
An Italian banknote with a face value of five hundred
thousand lire depicts a portrait of Raphael, and on the reverse
side is a fragment of the famous "Athenian School".


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