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Who is Kevin Mitnick?



Who is Kevin Mitnick?
Kevin Mitnick, a famous
American hacker, has
become a legend in the field
of computer security. Its
history spans from the 1970s
to the 1990s.


The Kevin Mitnick Story
• Mitnik hacking computers and data transmission
systems. He used social engineering, phishing and
other methods to gain unauthorized access to other
people's systems.
• Mitnik often penetrated the computer networks of
large corporations and government organizations
In 1995, Mitnick was arrested by the FBI and
sentenced to five years in prison for software theft.
• After his release from prison, Kevin Mitnick became
a successful computer security expert. He founded
a security company.


Mitnick attacks
1. Attack on Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC): He infiltrated DEC's computer
systems and gained access to their ARPANET network. He gained access to
protected files and software.
2. Hacking the Pacific Bell System: Mitnick hacked the Pacific Bell system and
gained control of his life.
3. Attacks on telephone systems: Mitnik also accessed the computer systems of
telephone companies: Nokia, Motorola and others. He manipulated call data,
gaining access to user information.


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