
Famous VSU graduates. Alexander Karpan


Famous VSU
Alexander Fedorovich Karpan


Alexander Karpan is one of the most distinguished representatives of the world–
famous Vitebsk watercolor school. He is a graduate of the Art and Graphic Faculty
of the Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute named after S. M. Kirov, now renamed to
the P. M. Masherov University. Already in the late 1970s he himself became one of the
brightest teachers, teaching drawing, painting and composition.


Alexander Fedorovich was born on November 6, 1953 in Ukraine. Since 1974, he
began to live and study in Vitebsk. After graduation in 1979 he interned at the Lenin
Moscow State Pedagogical University and at the Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg.
In 1991 Karpan became a
member of the Union of
Artists of Belarus thereby
securing the title of the
outstanding creator of our





Throughout his career, the artist worked in
various genres, although he preferred stilllifes, landscapes and portraits.
The artworks of Alexander Karpan are notable
not only for their high craftsmanship, but also
for their unique individual style. Over the past
two decades, A. Karpan has received
recognition from professionals and viewers at
major international watercolor biennales (an
exhibition, held regularly once every two years)
in Lithuania, the People's Republic of China,
Russia and Belarus. The artist’s paintings are
in the collections of the Polotsk Historical and
Architectural Museum-Reserve, the Vitebsk
Regional Museum of Local Lore, the Mark
Rothko Art Center, as well as in numerous
private collections.
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