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Unusual animals
Long-beacked echindaWeight of long-beacked
echidna is 10 kg. Length of
one is 82 cm. Legs of longbeacked echidnas are longer
than basic echidnas. Back
feet of long-beacked echidnas
have five toes and front feet
have three toes. Rostrum
(nose and mouth) is 2/3 of
head. Long-beacked
echidnas haven't teeth, but
them tongue covered with
small thorns.
AardvarkAardvark translates from
African as «ground pig».
Appearance of aardvark is
very similar with
appearance of pig, but
muzzle of aardvark is
longer. Aardvark has ears
like hare's and tail like
cangaroo's. Length of
aardvark is 100-158 cm and
weight of one is 50-70 kg.
Front feet have 4 toes and
back feet have 5 toes.
PlatypusPlatypus is a mammal
but it's skin covered with
feathers. Platypus can
produce eggs and it has
a beak. Platypus' habitat
is Australia. Length of
platypus is 30-40 cm,
length of its tail is 10-15
cm and length of its
beak is 65 cm. Weight
of platypus is 2 kg.