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Efficicency of using digital tools in teaching adults


Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
NJC «L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University»
Efficiency of using digital tools in teaching adults.
Ересектерді оқытуда цифрлық технологияларды қолданудың тиімділігі
Эффективность использования цифровых технологий в обучении взрослых
Master’s student: Gaukhar Aikeyeva
Scientific supervisor: Aizhan Budanovna
Astana, 2024


I. Introduction
Background and context
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Research questions and objectives
II. Literature Review
Overview of adult education theories
Previous research on digital tools in adult education
Theoretical framework for the study
Identification of gaps in the literature
III. Research Methodology
Research design
Population and sample selection
Data collection methods (surveys, interviews, etc.)
Data analysis techniques
Ethical considerations
V. Data Collection
Detailed description of the data collection process
Explanation of the survey or interview questions
Procedures for obtaining informed consent
Timeline for data collection
VI. Data Analysis and Results
Presentation of quantitative and qualitative data
Statistical analysis of survey results
Comparison of findings with existing literature
Visual aids (charts, graphs) to support results
VII. Discussion
Interpretation of results in relation to research questions
Comparison with existing literature
Implications of findings for adult education
Limitations of the study
VIII. Conclusion
Summary of key findings
Contributions to the field
Recommendations for future research


Main purpose of
the study
Theoretical and methodological justification and
experimental verification of the effectiveness of using
digital tools (virtual reality) in teaching adults


The object of the
• The learning process of an adult
The subject of
the research:
• Forming the cognitive activities of adults
population working in the field of
using virtual reality technologies in order to
metallurgy and mining (predominantly with
optimize and effectively perform on the job
engineering background)


To achieve this goal, the following
Research Tasks were set:
To identify the types of digital tools used in adult education:
Review existing literature to compile a comprehensive list of digital tools commonly utilized in adult education.
Conduct surveys and interviews with educators to gather real-world insights into the use of digital tools.
To assess the impact of digital tools on adult learning experiences:
Examine academic studies and reports to identify the effects of digital tools on adult learners' engagement and comprehension.
Administer surveys and interviews to adult students to gather their perspectives on how digital tools enhance or hinder their learning
To explore challenges associated with integrating digital tools in adult education:
Conduct a literature review to identify common challenges faced by educators when incorporating digital tools in adult education.
Analyze survey and interview data to understand the specific challenges reported by instructors in the field.
To examine instructor perceptions of the effectiveness of digital tools:
Survey and interview instructors to gauge their opinions on the effectiveness of digital tools in achieving educational goals for adult
Compare instructor perceptions with measurable outcomes to assess alignment.
To investigate factors influencing the adoption and implementation of digital tools:
• Explore literature on the factors influencing the adoption of digital tools in educational settings.
• Collect data through surveys and interviews to identify institutional and individual factors affecting the adoption and successful
integration of digital tools in adult education.


Research questions:
• What types of digital tools are commonly used in adult
• In what ways do digital tools contribute to the learning
experience of adult students?
• Are there specific challenges associated with the
integration of digital tools in adult education?
• How do instructors perceive the effectiveness of digital
tools in facilitating adult learning?
• What factors influence the adoption and successful
implementation of digital tools in teaching adults?


The Hypothesis of the study:
If the training using virtual reality is introduced in the vocational
education, the cognitive activity adult students will be successful
resulting in better performance on the job.


The scientific novelty of the research examined the cognitive activity of
adult students and explored the use of digital tools to enhance
performance on the job.
The theoretical significance of the research lies in the definitions of the
concepts such as “adult education” and “digital tools”, their structures
and functions.
The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of not
only using the developed trainings and approaches in mining and
metallurgy industry, but also as a prototype for developing similar
trainings in other industries.


Research basis
The study was attended by mining
workers of Kazakhstani mining and
metallurgy company.


- Theoretical: study and analysis of psychological
and pedagogical literature on the problem of
- Empirical: observation, questionnaires, testing,
pedagogical experiment.
- Statistical: qualitative and quantitative data
analysis, statistical processing.
The purpose of this empirical study is to study the
formation of cognitive activity of adult students using
the digital tools (artificial reality and virtual reality).


Research stages
The study was conducted over two academic years and included the following stages:
• Analysis of the students' level of cognitive activity and on the job perfromance before they
started trainings using digital tools.
• Identifying the goals and objectives of vocational training.
• Conducting trainings (AR/VR) and observing the learning process.
• Analyzing learning outcomes and comparing them with the initial level of cognitive activity
and efficiency of work performance.


Information on study groups
Table 1 presents information on four study groups labelled G1 to G4. The column ”Type of course" indicates
the training courses in which the groups were studied.


Data analysis and findings
Based on the data presented in the table, we can observe that:
Group 3 (G3) has the highest average score for most questions (Q1
to Q11), indicating that they have a better knowledge quality
compared to the other groups.
Group 4 (G4) has the lowest average score for most questions (Q1,
Q2, Q4, Q5, Q9, Q10, Q11), indicating that they have a lower
knowledge quality compared to the other groups.
Groups 1, 2, 5, and 6 have varying average scores for different
questions, indicating that their knowledge quality is inconsistent.
The table presents data from six groups of participants (G1-G6) who
were asked to respond to six questions (Q1-Q6) with multiple
variants (A-E) in a questionnaire.
The table appears to contain results from a survey or experiment
with various groups of participants (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6) and
different variants (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) for different questions (Q1Q12). The table presents data in the form of percentages, indicating
the proportion of participants in each group and variant that


Data analysis and findings
To analyse the growth in cognitive abilities,
the pre-test scores were compared to the
post-test scores which is shown in Figure
13. The results of the test showed a
statistically significant increase in mean
scores for all cognitive domains assessed
by the CAS test. This indicates that the
intervention was successful in enhancing
cognitive activity, as evidenced by the
significant growth in cognitive abilities from
pre-test to post-test.


Data analysis and findings
The given Figure 14 shows the before
and final scores for six groups. The
Picture 13 shows data for six different
groups (G1 to G6) where their scores
are listed for a particular test or task,
both before and after an intervention or
treatment. The scores are measured on
a scale where higher values represent
better performance.


The results of the pre-test showed that the mean score for planning was 70.2 (SD
= 9.6), attention was 68.4 (SD = 10.8), simultaneous processing was 64.6 (SD = 11.4), successive processing
was 70.1 (SD = 10.1), and cognitive efficiency was 68.5 (SD = 9.3). These scores suggest that the participants
had below average cognitive abilities in all domains assessed by the CAS test.
After the intervention, the post-test was administered, and the results showed that the mean score for planning
was 90.2 (SD = 11.6), attention was 86.4 (SD = 12.8), simultaneous processing was 82.6 (SD = 13.4),
successive processing was 88.1 (SD = 13.1), and cognitive efficiency was 85.5 (SD = 11.3). These scores
suggest that the participants had improved their cognitive abilities in all domains assessed by the CAS test, as
the mean scores for all domains increased significantly.


Literature review
Retrieved from official web site of the Committee of labor and social protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the
Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/lspm/activities/292?lang=ru
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Literature review
Cavanagh, T. M. (2016, June 1). Cognitive prompts fail to moderate the impact of stereotype threat on older adults’
training performance. https://articlearchives.co/index.php/JOP/article/view/3625
Gegenfurtner, A., Schmidt‐Hertha, B., & Lewis, P. (2020). Digital technologies in training and adult education.
International Journal of Training and Development, 24(1), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijtd.12172
Gegenfurtner, A., Zitt, A., & Ebner, C. (2020). Evaluating webinar‐based training: a mixed methods study of trainee
reactions toward digital web conferencing. International Journal of Training and Development, 24(1), 5–21.
Kraiger, K., Cavanagh, T. M., & Willis, C. M. G. (2020). Why do cognitive prompts hurt learning in older adults?
International Journal of Training and Development, 24(1), 40–56. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijtd.12169
Smith, A. (2023, April 18). Digital Education Tools: A comprehensive guide for teachers and students. Acadecraft.
Tsun-Ju Lin, & Yu-Ju Lan. (2015). Language Learning in Virtual Reality Environments: Past, Present, and Future. Journal
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The Approbation were disseminated through various
academic publications and conferences. The
research was presented and discussed in several
academic conferences and workshops, including the
International Conference “GYLYM JANE BILIM 2023”, where the research work of theme “Efficiency
of using digital tools in teaching adults” was awarded
3rd place in the conference.


In the conference organised by National
Academy Of Education Named After
Y.Altynsarin was published article “Efficiency of
using digital tools in teaching adults” in 2023.


Planned after completion of experimental part.


Planned after completion of the experimental part
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