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The damned painter


The damned painter
Выполнила: Зимина Настя, 11 класс


Sasha is a successful and talented artist. He has everything he needs for happiness:
money, fame, friends. One day, Sasha and his friend Fedya went to the old village for a
weekend to take a break from the hustle and bustle. But Sasha didn't know she it
perfume in it…


Sasha often painted landscapes of the village. The drawings were so
excellently that even the forest evil spirits of the Kikimora could not
resist and fell in love with the guy. Sasha began to suffer from strange
dreams. And the Kikimora itself soon began to make itself felt.


Being arrogant and narcissistic, Sasha tried to get benefits
from the evil spirits in love, to earn money from her love,
because she fulfilled all his desires. But the Kikimora
turned out to be much more cunning than he expected...


Kikimora realized that Sasha was using her
love for selfish purposes, and decided to
take cruel revenge. Sasha was feverish,
and at night he constantly heard a voice:
«Draw another picture, Sashenka...». Fedya
could not understand what was happening
to his friend, and decided that they
urgently needed to return home.


Kikimora did not want to let «her friends» out of the forest, so she
created obstacles on the way. Fedya got into a swamp, he began to
get sucked in, he asked Sasha to help him, but Sasha stood as if
enchanted, and his eyes reflected composure and fear. Sasha let go
of Fedya's hand. He went on alone...


Sasha got out of this terrible place,
returned unharmed. But since then
his hands were covered with small
scratches that bled every time he sat
down at the easel and it became
unbearably painful. To the point that
Sasha never painted anything again.
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