
Architecture styles


Architecture styles


• An architectural style is a set of building features that help determine the spirit of an era
and understand how people lived hundreds of centuries ago. Each direction corresponds
to certain features associated with a period of history and a specific place.


Ancient Greek
Existed from the 7th century BC. e. until the 1st
century AD e. on the territory of modern Greece, as
well as in southern Italy and Turkey.
Peculiarities. The architecture of Ancient Greece was
based on a system of orders - a type of composition of
vertical and horizontal elements arranged in a certain
order. It is customary to distinguish three types of
order: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. They differ from
each other in decor and complexity of composition. For
example, Doric is completely devoid of decorative
elements, and Corinthian has an unusual capital (the
upper part of the column) - usually it was decorated
with an ornament in the form of acanthus leaves.


Temples are considered the main structures of
ancient Greek architecture. The buildings were
large-scale, but the architects managed to maintain
harmony and not violate proportions. The ancient
Greeks invented and created a portico with a
pediment (the protrusion of a building with a
number of columns), columns with capitals, a
stereobat (usually a three-stage base of columns),
as well as caryatids - statues of women in draped
clothes, which most often replaced columns and
served as a support for the entablature.
Examples. The Parthenon in the Athenian
Acropolis, the Propylaea in Athens - the gate that
forms the entrance to the Acropolis.


Brutalist emerged as an architectural movement in
the post-war years of the 20th century in Great
Britain. The exposed frame of the building, glass
and metal finishing, exposed brickwork, visible
communications and wiring are the main features of
minimalism and technological design, which
formed the basis of the style.


• Almost every structure was based on a Roman
basilica - a rectangular building divided by
rows of columns into several longitudinal
parts (naves). In the center of most buildings
there was a tower, around which the remaining
It was popular in the 11th–12th centuries in
rooms (most often cylindrical) were erected.
Western Europe.
Vaults, arches and portals appeared in the
interior - with different ornaments.
Peculiarities. During this period, Christian
churches, monasteries and castles surrounded by
fortresses became the main type of construction.
Stone was used for construction - it was not as fire
hazardous as wood.


Examples. Three Rhine Imperial Cathedrals in
Germany: Speyer, Mainz and Worms.


• Peculiarities. This architectural style is the
Gothic style
complete opposite of Romanesque. In contrast
Originated in France, it was popular in Western
Europe from the end of the 12th to the 16th
to massive and brutal churches, Gothic
The main feature of the Gothic style was stone
arches - flying buttresses. The buildings
abandoned load-bearing walls, and all the weight
fell on elements that were usually located not
inside the building, but outside.
lighter, and there was more “air” in them. The
Flying buttresses
cathedrals rushed upward - the vertical
replaced the horizontal. The facades became
structures were made to look like stone lace.


Gothic style
Stone temples remained the main type of
construction. They differed from their
predecessors in their abundant decoration - not
only ornaments, but also sculptures. For example,
gargoyles appeared on the facades - figures of
demonic creatures protruding from the gutter. First
of all, they were functional and served to drain
water during rainstorms.
Examples. Reims Cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris,
Chartres Cathedral, Saint Denis Abbey, Cologne


Chicago school
the initial stage of the formation of new American
architecture of the 20th century. The emergence of
an architectural school in the city of Chicago in the
Midwestern United States (Illinois) is associated
with a unique situation that arose as a result of the
Great Chicago Fire of 1871, which destroyed a
significant part of the old city
Examples. The Monadnock Building in Chicago,
the Bayard Conflict Building in New York, and the
Wainwright Building in St. Louis.


Chicago school
Peculiarities. The main structure was a skyscraper
- a metal structure of regular shape, which was
lined with glass, brick and sometimes not too
much decor was added. The Monadnock Building
was one of the first to be erected in Chicago; today
this high-rise building is considered a striking
artifact of that era. Its height is 65.5 meters, and it
can no longer compete with modern skyscrapers,
but for the end of the 19th century its 16 floors
were prohibitive.
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