Категория: ИсторияИстория

Kursk is one of the most beautiful and the biggest cities in Russia


Kursk is one of the most beautiful and the
biggest cities in Russia with its unique
history,culture and nature.


There are a lot of parks there.It is clean and green.If
you are tired and want to relax and spend time with
your friends you can go to Borodino. There you can
see the eternal flame and remember soldiers that
fought for Freedom and Motherland.


If you want to take pictures
Krasnaya Square is a must see and
go in Kursk


Victory arch must be observed by
everyone who visits Kursk.There all
the tanks and military hardware can
be viewed in person.


The Nikitskaya Church in Kursk is bright
blue both inside and outside.It will impress
you with its quad-core iconostasis.


There are a lot of churches and monasteries in Kursk. Znamensky Cathedral is one of
the greatest.
It has got an interesting architecture with its facade painted in turquoise. There is a copy
of the wonderworking icon of the Miracle of the Holly Virgin there. This icon was taken
away from Russia in the 19-th century. It was brought back only after 90 years due to
Vladika Yuvenaly who organized the negotiations with the Western Church .People were
standing in front of the icon and praying for hours. People came from different parts of


The Nizhny Trinity Сhurch will make
a deep impression on you with its
architecture,beauty and rare icons.


The Church of the Assumption of
the Holy Virgin will surprise you
with its Gotic style.


There are also a lot of museums
and some galleries in Kursk.If you
want to know more about history
and culture of Kursk you are likely to
visit the Kursk Local History


If you want to see a vivid example of
Moscow architecture you should visit the
Museum of Archeology with its
picturesque garden nearby.


The Kursk Nightingale Museum
If you have a chance it is a must for you to visit this world's only museum
devoted to beautiful nightingales with their soft voice always beloved in
Russia. Nightingales have always been the symbol of Kursk.You will be able
to know more about these birds and see a lot of exhibits depicting them.You
may enjoy nightingales songs.There is a big collection of things connected
with these wonderful birds : pictures, books, articals, fairy tales. There are
exhibits that give information about Russian folk epics and their heroes such
as Nightingale the Robber,Ilya Muromets,Alesha Popovich etc.
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