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Early history


Abraham Linkoln
Early history
Born February 12th , 1809
Was born in Hardin County,KY
By 1826 Linkolns moved to Indiana
Abrahams mother died when he was just 9 years old


Beginning of political career
On August 4th,1834,Linkoln was
elected to the Illinois
General Assembly
In 1836 Linkoln was re-elected ,
He also received license to start
practicing law
In 1838 Lincoln becomes the Whig
party floor leader


The Linkolns
In 1842 Lincoln married Mary Todd. They eventually h


Leading up to presidency
In 1860 The Republican Party nominated
him for the Presidential election
Linkoln won the election in 1960 and
became the 16th President of
the United States
1861 the Civil War begins
On August 6th ,1861,Linkoln signs
a law freeing slaves being used
by the confederate army


Second-term success
The Emancipation Proclamation took effect
on January 1, 1863
1864 re-election as president
1865 civil war concludes


Assassination of Linkoln
April 14th Abraham Linkoln gets shot by John Wikes Booth
April 15th, President dies at 7:22 in the morning
After Linkoln passed away,the thirteenth amendment to the constitutio
Slavery was finally abolished


Interesting facts
He practiced law without a degree
He wanted women to have the vote in 1836
He really was a wrestler
He hated being called Abe
He didn’t have a middle name
Lincoln established Thanksgiving as a national holiday
Lincoln was the first president to use the telegraph
He was the first president with a beard
His coffin has been opened five times


Lincoln was photographed with John Wilkes Booth at his
second inauguration
Booth’s brother saved the life of Lincoln’s son on a New
Jersey train platform
Lincoln battled depression and migraine headaches for
much of his life
Lincoln was seemingly obsessed with cats
He kept his important documents inside his hat
He got the nickname "Honest Abe"
he was licensed bartender
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