Категория: ПолитикаПолитика

Political Parties


Political Parties


The time of
Political Party UK


Political Party UK
Britain is


There are also a number of important political parties
in Britain, such as the Conservative Party, the Labour
Party and others. Each political party has its leader,
who takes part in elections. The one who wins becomes
an Member of Parliament.Britain has a two-party
system. Each of the parties represented in the House of
Commons ma ns own organization within Parliament
to its members informed about parliamentary business
and to maintain its parliamentary voting strength.


Each of the main parties has national
One of the main functions of the nationa organizations is the parties' annual
conferences. Labour's success was made possible by divisions among the Liberals. The
Conservatives have always been the party of the Right, identified with the existing social
order. The fundamental principles of the Conservative Party can be summarized as
First, individuals have an absolute right to liberty. Second, ownership is the strongest
foundation of individual freedom, opportunity and independence.
Third, Conservatives believe that freedom entails responsibilities to family, neighbours,
and to nation.
Fourth, it is the role of Government to strengthen individual liberty.
Fifth, in economic affairs the Government should establish a climate in which enterprise
can flourish.
Finally, Conservatives believe that Britain must remain strong, with secure defences, in
order to provide the surest guarantee of peace.


The Labour Party's internal structure is in most ways
like the Conservatives', but big differences arise from
Labour's attempts to give much more real power to
trade unions and ordinary members. The Liberal
Democrats stand for the right of individuals to have
control over their own lives. Individual liberty lies at
the heart of theirbeliefs. They aim to able men and
women to develop their own talents to the full. free
from the arbitrary interference of government. The of
government is to guarantee this freedom. free-market
economy, to provide services for those in need and to
work for peace and prosperity across the planet.



The time of
Political Parties US


Political Parties US
Founding fathers of parties
in the US (President
George Washington with
Thomas Jefferson,
Alexander Hamilton,
Henry and Randolph)
viewed political parties as
factions. They developed a
constitutional system that,
along with the size and
diversity of the country,
had to split the factions so


The party seeks to control the whole government by electing its members for this
position and thereby controlling the personnel of the government. In each electoral
district only one person is elected, and for the victory in elections this person needs
pluralism (more votes than any other candidate). Thus, coalitions are formed before the
elections. Since 1856, there have been two main national parties: Democrats and
Republicans. These organizations are usually committees, consisting of several active
members of the party. As a rule, members of the commission are elected at local party
meetings. The most famous examples of these committees are the National Democratic
National Committee and the Republican National Committee. Each of the two main
parties also has a central committee in each state. Congressional districts can also have
party committees. State and local parties operate on an ongoing basis, and national
organizations are mostly inactive between the presidential elections. The party that lost
the presidential election can retain its power in Congress and state governments. Modern
Americans consider the position of the US Democratic Party more liberal. Democracy
actively demands from the federal government and authorities in each individual state
greater perseverance in social policy, assistance to students, the unemployed and the
poor. Members of the Republican Party of the United States are betting on private
enterprise, an increase in military spending, tax breaks for business and a "social
program." For these reasons, the Americans consider the Republican Party to have more
conservative views.


The two main political
parties in the US have
their own recognizable,
albeit unofficial,
symbolism. The
Democratic Party has an
unofficial symbol as a
donkey, which shows
obstinacy in overcoming
obstacles. The unofficial
color of democrats is blue.
Members of the


A citizen of the United States can be elected to a
leading position without membership in any political
party. However, it is impossible to conduct an election
campaign without any resources, so there are almost no
non-party representatives among the authorities in the
United States.
In addition to the two main, existing and other political
parties in the US, although none of them have enough
support to be able to win the presidential election.



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