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Analysis of the hydrodynamics of a horizontal steam generator
National Research University«Moscow Power Engineering Institute»
Master’s research work:
«Analysis of the hydrodynamics of a
horizontal steam generator»
Student: Gorlov Evgeniy
Study group: TF-11m-23
21.05.2024 г.
RelevanceIn modern power engineering, horizontal steam
generators designed for nuclear power plants
with water-cooled power reactors (VVERs) are
complex technical devices. Their functionality is
aimed at removing heat from the primary
coolant and generating dry saturated steam.
Their work is aimed at the effective use of the
thermal energy flow arising from the interaction
of the primary coolant with nuclear fuel.
Hydrodynamic processes in horizontal steam
heterogeneity of heat release in the volume.
This leads to three-dimensional effects that
significantly distinguish horizontal PG from other
technical devices, where one can limit oneself to
a one-dimensional approximation for analysis.
Figure 1. PGV-1000
Purpose & TasksThe Master's research work includes:
The purpose of this work is
• Analysis of the effects of uneven heat
a thorough analysis of the results from the
generation on three-
study of horizontal steam
dimensional phenomena inside the steam
generator hydrodynamics, taking into
account their complex design and
• Assessment of the role of a submerged
the impact of various factors.
perforated sheet in levelling an uneven
steam load.
Methods of research• In this work, the simulation was performed using
the STEG code, which was developed specifically
for studying the hydrodynamics of horizontal
steam generators.
• Studying the features of the STEG code.
• Building a model.
• Performing calculations, visualization and
analysis of the results.
• Modification of the model and modernization of
the code.
1 – a bundle of heat exchange pipes; 2 – SPS; 3 – SIHS; 4 – steam drain
pipes; 5 – cold collector; 6 – hot collector; 7 – feed collector; 8 –
spacer grid
Figure 2. The scheme of the
horizontal steam generator
ResultsAs a result of the calculations, the following results were obtained. Let's compare them with the
results of other researchers. (Figure 3,4)
a) calculated data
b) calculated data
during validation
Figure 3. The OXZ plane at a distance from the cold end of the SG Y = 4100 mm
(Evaluation of the results)
Resultsa) calculated data
b) calculated data
during validation
Figure 4. The OXZ plane at a distance from the cold end of the SG Y = 9600 mm
(Evaluation of the results)
ConclusionsIn conclusion, it should be noted that the results of this study are positive and allow
us to analyze the hydrodynamics of horizontal steam generators using modeling.
The study of STEG code provides a basic understanding of applied models and
calculation methods, which is a crucial stage in further research and development
in this field of steam generator engineering. The findings emphasize
the significance of selecting the appropriate modeling techniques to achieve
more precise and experimentally validated outcomes in this area.
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