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Black cat day


Black cat day


Black Cat Protection Day (also known as Black Cat Day) is celebrated annually on November 17th in Italy.
For many people, black cats are considered a symbol of misfortune. They have long been attributed
magical properties, they were called the embodiment of evil spirits and the first assistants of witches
and wizards.The Association for the Protection of the Environment and Animals states that they will not
only help cats, but also reward people who show sympathy for hunted animals.


Several hundred thousand
black cats die and
disappear every year. In
Rome alone, the owners
lose 15 thousand black
cats every year. In
addition, black kittens
are less likely to be
taken from shelters.Not
all countries have such
a negative attitude
towards black cats, for
example, in the UK they
are considered a good
luck charm, and in
Scotland they believe
that a
black cat entering a
house will bring wealth.


Sailors do not offend black cats
either: they are sure that a
ship's or domestic cat of this
color promises good luck in
sailing.Of course, with the
exception of the color of the
coat, they are no different from
any other, the only difference is
in the attitude of people towards


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