Inventors and their great inventions

Inventors and their great inventions

1. Inventors and their great inventions


New inventions are appearing every
day to make our lives easier, longer,
warmer, speedier and so on. But only
a few inventors design a new
machine or product that becomes so
well-known that the invention,
named after its creator, becomes a
household word. Here are eight
famous inventors and the inventions
that are named after them:

3. Great Inventors.

Alexander Graham Bell
Akito Morita
James M.Spangler
John Logie Baird
Nicephore Niepce
Bill Gates
Orville Wright
Sergei Korolyev

4. Their great inventions

Personal Stereo
Vacuum cleaner
Artificial satellite

5. Alexander Graham Bell

In 1876 Alexander
Graham Bell, an
American engineer,
invented telephone

6. Akito Morita

Akito Morita (Japan)
developed the first
personal stereo-Sony

7. James M.Spangler

In 1908 James
M.Spangler from the
USA built the first
vacuum cleaner

8. John Logie Baird

John Logie Baird from
Scotland invented
television in 1926

9. Nicephore Niepce

Nicephore Niepce from
France pioneered
photography in 1829

10. Bill Gates

In 1981 Bill Gates
(USA) created
Microsoft-DOC (Disk
Operating System)

11. Orville Wright

Orville Wright built the
first airplane in 1903

12. Sergei Korolyev

Sergei Korolyev(Russia)
designed the first
artificial satellite in 1957

13. Some inventions

The first Russia's automobile was designed by P. A. Frez
and E. A. Yakovlev. By May 1896 the car had been built.
In 1945 the Nobel prize was given to Alexander Fleming for
penicillin [,pem'silin] that had been discovered in 1928.
The first gas stove had been made long before the first electric
stove appeared
In the middle of the 19th century, although it had been tested,
the sewing machine did not interest very many people.
In 1928 Richard Drew perfected the Scotch tape, which had been
invented by Jim Kirst from the USA in 1923.
The first ballpoint pen was produced in 1940 though it had been
invented by L. Biro, a Hungarian artist and journalist, in 1905.
In 1996, Japanese scientists created a solar powered car called
Dream. To create it they used solar cells, which had been
in the middle of this century.
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