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Self efficasy. Developing Self - efficacy outdoors


Developing Self-efficasy outdoors
Johan Ludvik Lund
University lecturer
Department of Outdoor Life, Sports and Physical Education
Email: [email protected]


Developing self-efficasy
Here is the scheme:
10.15-11.00 - Theory of self-efficacy and didactics “sport education model”
11.00-12.00 - you are divided into two teams and hold team meetings, where
roles and tactics in the team must be agreed upon. Signing team contracts.
12.15-14.00 - Football tournament on the grass field behind the sports building


Go to www.menti.com and use the code 11312736


Learning outcomes
• To use local outdoor environment for teaching
in the context of the education system and
Norwegian friluftsliv.


Self- efficasy
Self- efficacy is the perception of one's own ability to master.
• Authentic mastery experiences, previous mastery experiences with mastering similar types of tasks as they are above.
• Self-perception has a crucial influence on a person's capacity to achieve certain levels of skills.
• Children tend to avoid situations and activities that make competence demands that we do not think we will be able to meet.
• Those who have low coping expectations will more quickly lower their efforts or give up when they encounter problems and
the opposite.
(Bandura, A. 1986. Social foundations of thought and action)


4 sources to self- efficasy
Bandura states that it is information from 4 sources and the cognitive processing of these that is most important for the
development of a child's self-efficacy.
1. Previous experiences are the most important source, this because it contains a mastery aspect and thus provides immediate
information through experience of own mastery. If you experience success with the activity, the expectation of mastery increases.
The opposite effect will occur if you fail with the activity.
Discuss with your sidekick: do you have any examples from your own life or from practice?
2. Substitute experience is the experience gained by observing other people successfully completing a task and then comparing
themselves with them. Bandura calls this model learning.
3. Verbal beliefs are useful if they are not exaggerated and the goal of the task is realistic.
4. By activation, means the achievement of an optimal activation level.
(Bandura A.1977. Self-efficacy, toward a unifying theory of behavioral change)


How can we create self- efficacy in this environment
-Previous experiences
- Observing others
- Verbal beliefs
- Optimal activation level
Lets play football!


Crosscullicullar theme:
Public health and lifeskills in primary school
In physical education, the interdisciplinary theme of public health and life skills is
about promoting good mental and physical health and giving students tools to make
responsible life choices. The subject should promote a positive self-image that can
give students a secure identity. The subject will contribute to the students gaining
knowledge about different perspectives on movement activities and health.
Students will also learn to manage health as a resource in a way that benefits the
individual and learn to make choices that are good for their own and others' health
throughout life.
(Udir.no, curriculum primary school,2021)


What do teacher students, physical education teachers and school
leaders say?
What factors can promote the student's mental and physical health can we promote in physical education?(Lund, 2022)


Health an lifeskills in kindergarten
The kindergarten shall have a health-promoting and preventive function and contribute to evening out social differences. The children's physical and
mental health must be promoted in the kindergarten. The kindergarten shall contribute to the children's well-being, joy of life, coping and sense of
self-worth and prevent violations and bullying. If a child experiences abuse or bullying, the kindergarten must deal with, stop and follow this up.
The kindergarten should be a safe and challenging place where the children can try out different aspects of interaction, community and friendship.
The children will receive support in overcoming adversity, dealing with challenges and getting to know their own and others' feelings. The children
will have the opportunity for peace, rest and relaxation during the kindergarten day.
The kindergarten shall be an arena for daily physical activity and promote the children's joy of movement and motor development. Meals and
cooking in the kindergarten will give the children a basis for developing enjoyment of food and healthy health habits.
Through the daily and close contact with the children, the kindergarten is in a central position to be able to observe and receive information about
the children's care and life situation. The staff must have a conscious relationship with the fact that children may be exposed to neglect, violence
and sexual abuse, and know how this can be prevented and detected.
(Udir.no, framework plan for the kindergarten, 2021)


Selected interdisciplinary theme: public health and life skills in
physical education
In physical education, the interdisciplinary theme of public
health and life skills is about promoting good mental and physical
health and giving students tools to make responsible life choices.
The subject should promote a positive self-image that can give
students a secure identity. The subject will contribute to the
students gaining knowledge about different perspectives on
movement activities and health. Students will also learn to
manage health as a resource in a way that benefits the
individual,and learn to make choices that are good for their own
and others' health throughout life.
Sport education model at
Bakkenteigen grass
Selected competence goals after 4th step:
• Understand bodily differences between oneself and others,
and include others in various movement activities
• Explore and carry out games, sports activities, dances and
other movement activities
• Explore outdoor activities and collaborate with others during
changing seasons in the local environment


Sport education model(Siedentop,1994)
• You are divided into two teams and in each team you must have a team meeting where you
- How to take care of the 4 sources of self-efficacy (previous experience, vicarious experience,
verbal beliefs, optimal activation level)
- Who is the coach (responsibility for joint warm-up in the team for 20 min)
- Who is the captain
- What roles on the field should each individual group member have?
- How do we play in defense and attack
- Fair play coordinator
- Create the team's scoring ritual


• Bandura, A. 1986. Social foundations of thought and action.
• Bandura A. 1977. Self-efficacy, toward a unifying theory of
behavioral change.
• Siedentop, D. (1998). What is Sport Education and How Does
it Work? Journal of Teaching in Phyiscal Education, 69(3), 1820. https://doi.org/10.1080/07303084.1998.10605528
• Siedentop, D., Hastie, P. A. & van der Mars, H. (2011).
Complete Guide to Sport Education
(2. utg.). Illinois: Human Kinetics.
Curriculum in physical education:
• Læreplan i kroppsøving (KRO01-05) (udir.no)
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