Notorious crimes and criminals: Pablo escobar
Status and football
Status and football
Personal life
Personal life
Personal life
Last years of life and death
Last years of life and death
Last years of life and death
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Notorious crimes and criminals: Pablo escobar

1. Notorious crimes and criminals: Pablo escobar

The Russian Presidential Academy of National
Economy and Public Administration
Executed by: Razhabov M.A.,
Checked by: Vasilyeva E.G.

2. Content

• Intro;
• Childhood;
• Status and football;
• Personal life;
• Last years of life and death;
• Resources

3. Introduction

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria is a Colombian drug lord and
terrorist. Escobar is called the "King of Cocaine" because he was the leader
of the Medellin cartel, which controlled 80% of the global cocaine market
by the end of 1980. To this day, he is one of the most famous, violent and
wealthy criminals in history.

4. Childhood

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria was born on December 1, 1949 in the
town of Rionegro, located 40 km from Medellin (Colombia). He became the
third of seven children of farmer Abel de Jesus Dari Escobar and schoolteacher
Hemilda de los Dolores Gaviria Berrio. One of the brothers, Gustavo Gaviria,
later became his first assistant in the drug cartel.
His parents worked hard to feed their large
family, so Pablo was left to his own devices.
We can say that the street was involved in his
upbringing. As a child, he often listened to
stories in which the main characters were the
legendary Colombian "banditos". About how
they dealt with the rich and helped the poor.
As a child, Pablo decided that when he grew
up, he would definitely follow their example.
Then no one even guessed that literally a few
years later the little romantic boy would turn
into a national nightmare that would take the
lives of almost ten thousand people.

5. Childhood

When Escobar turned 12, the family moved to the small town of
Envigado, closer to Medellin. There he first tasted the taste of marijuana. At the
age of sixteen, Pablo was expelled from school, and it was then that his criminal
biography began, which he dreamed of as a child. At first, he stole gravestones
from the cemetery, erased the names of the dead on them and resold them again.
Then he started selling cigarettes and marijuana, counterfeiting lottery tickets,
which were very popular in Colombia.
Soon the guy put together his first small gang, which made a living by
stealing cars. Then racketeering was added to these activities. Pablo and his
“colleagues” found car owners and offered to pay them so that their vehicle
would not be damaged by theft. After a couple of years, the bandits began
kidnapping people.

6. Childhood

By the age of 22, Escobar had gained fame as the largest crime boss in
Medellin, where his gang settled. During the same period, he began to engage
in cocaine, which he did not part with until the end of his days. Quite quickly,
Pablo strengthened his position in the first position in the cocaine industry of
Colombia, and then took a leading position in
South America.
Every shipment of cocaine that was
exported from Colombia was under the
control of drug lord Escobar. He imposed a
special tax on all deliveries, but also
guaranteed their delivery. Under his cover,
special laboratories worked in the
Colombian jungle. The same cocaine was
produced there.

7. Status and football

In 1977, Escobar became the founder of the Medellin Cocaine Cartel,
which existed for a total of seventeen years. It was this cartel that owned
almost the entire cocaine market in the States. The cartel was guided by a
simple principle: pay or die. Two years later, the drug lord's fortune, according
to Forbes, was measured at $47 million.
money was used to build
housing for the poor.
Thus, Escobar wanted to
look like Robin Hood,
simply helping the poor.
In addition, Pablo owned
30 estates, 40 rare cars,
and he also owned 500
thousand hectares of

8. Status and football

Escobar managed to launder most of the money through his
sponsorship of the Atlético Nacional football team. It should be noted that the
criminal loved football passionately. He invested huge amounts of money in
the creation of football fields and the construction of other infrastructure.
According to the
Escobar saw his outlet in
football and had a real
passion for it. Although
there was some blood here
too. One of Pablo's gang
members was accused of
killing a match referee just
because his favorite team

9. Personal life

In the life of the drug lord there was only one official marriage. In
1976, at the age of 27, Pablo got married. His chosen one's name was Maria
Victoria Eneo Viejo. In 1977, she gave birth to his son Juan, and then his
daughter Manuela. He loved his family, it was his weak spot. When they had to
hide in the forest in northern Colombia, the wife and daughter almost froze to
death. To save them, Escobar did not spare two billion dollars, from which he
built a fire to keep his loved ones warm. Currently, the drug lord's children live
in Argentina, they have a different last name.

10. Personal life

Pablo had a main estate, in which he created a huge zoo and a real city
for his many mistresses, who brightened up his personal life. It is difficult to
say what these women felt, who were there as concubines not only of Escobar,
but also of members of his gang. There were over four hundred of them, they
lived in this mini-city, each in their own house. The home of each of them had
a unique design, it was surrounded by quaint gazebos, cozy places conducive to
relaxation and love pleasures, and clear lakes. Escobar's closest mistresses had
the opportunity to use the services of European cosmetologists and fashion
designers, who were delivered directly to their home.
The most famous among all the drug lord's mistresses was Virginia
Vallejo. She worked as a BBC journalist, represented the Colombian press at
the wedding ceremony of Prince Charles and Princess Diana , and was the face
of a brand of women's tights. However, her name became known in the world
after she became Escobar's mistress.

11. Personal life

In 2011, Virginia published a book
of memoirs called “Loving Pablo, Hating
Escobar.” This is not only the story of their
relationship, but also the biography of the
most famous drug lord in the world. It was
translated into English, and the book became
a bestseller. There are no plans to release it in
the Russian edition. Based on this book, an
artistic painting called “Escobar” was
created. The main roles in this film were
played by Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz.
The most famous of all the “cocaine
king’s” mistresses lives in the US state of
Florida, where she was granted political

12. Last years of life and death

Pablo Escobar died because of his sentimentality and love for his
family. He had been wanted for a long time; Pablo understood that
communicating with his family was dangerous, and therefore did not contact
them for more than a year. But I couldn’t stand it. On December 1, 1993, he
celebrated his 44th birthday, and on December 2 he called his family. The
intelligence services, led by Javier Peña, tapped the phone and were constantly
waiting for this call.

13. Last years of life and death

The drug lord spoke with the family for only five minutes, but that was
enough to figure out his whereabouts. The house was immediately surrounded
by security forces, and shooting began. The military broke down the door and
Escobar died from a sniper shot that hit him right in the head. After some time,
his son will tell reporters that Escobar shot himself, because he realized that he
would not be able to escape.
happened is unknown, but
everyone who wanted to
take pictures next to Pablo’s
body lying on the roof of
the building. These photos

14. Last years of life and death

Escobar was buried on December 3, 1993. More than twenty thousand
of his compatriots came to say goodbye to him. The uncontrollable crowd
simply demolished those who carried the coffin with the body of the deceased.
Everyone present wanted to touch the dead face of the Colombian legend as a

15. Resources:

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